Fediverse | Servers | Members
~915 users reported
MASTODON 100% Suisse hébergé et géré par Free-Solutions sàrl
Bienvenue aux francophones.
Inscriptions libres et immédiates
Suisse, Logiciels LIBRES, Fédiverse, Visioconférences et webRTC
~216 users reported
한국어를 사용하는 유저들을 위한 마스토돈 서버입니다.
서로의 일상 및 덕질을 존중하는 공간을 지향합니다.
~287 users reported
~434 users reported
Euskarazko bideoak partekatzeko webgune irekia.
~205 users reported
content aggregator and micro-blogging platform for the fediverse
~701 users reported
1964 Mountain Culture Journal
~6 users reported
We are a Mountain Culture Journal in Aotearoa, New Zealand
Le Pouls Du Monde
~56 users reported
Small french Mastodon instance for friends, family and useful bots
~80 users reported
~105 users reported
This Mastodon Instance is intended to serve citizens and residents of British Columbia, Canada. We respectfully occupy this virtual space within the Traditional Territories of First Nations peoples.
lemmy.studio - An instance for musicians and music lovers
~582 users reported
An instance for musicians and music lovers
~262 users reported
Electronic Frontier Finland - Effi ry
~11 users reported
Electronic Frontier Finland - Effi ry:n kotisivut
NL Social
~104 users reported
Українськомовний інстанс Mastodon. Не новий, існує з 1 січня 23 року, але був на Akkoma. Перед реєстрацією читайте правила, бо за порушення буде блокування. Успіхів.
Luna Nova
~125 users reported
A magical place
~169 users reported
Eat Ze Rich
~52 users reported
Une instance ou on mange les personnes
possédant de gros patrimoines !
~182 users reported
Systerserver Town
~115 users reported
Systerserver.town is a feminist instance of the Mastodon network.
~169 users reported
Alles rund um, über, aus & für das Land Brandenburg
~2114 users reported
Diode Zone
~3297 users reported
Diode Zone is a friendly place for original content with a focus on creativity and electronics!
~552 users reported
Derg Social
~185 users reported
Derg Social provides a home for the dragons of the Fediverse and the furry fandom. Open for registrations :)
~15437 users reported
Federated writing for the wordsmith in everyone.