Fediverse | Servers | Members
Fedibikes SharkeyServer
~3 users reported
Computering Pros
~1 users reported
Computering Pros: We're Good At Computers
Le Castor Anxieux
~3 users reported
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
A personal instance for ajdecon and friends
~5 users reported
A small nerdy fediverse instance
Chickn's Koop
~4 users reported
It can't be that hard to run an instance by yourself, right? Anyone is welcome as long as you can follow the 4 simple rules.
Mixer LT
~1 users reported
Otter Crossing
~2 users reported
A server for otters, made by Pebbles!
~1 users reported
Fuzzy Roots
~5 users reported
Fuzzy Roots .Net - Social media for human beings.
~2 users reported
~3 users reported
~2 users reported
Petko's "Social" Space
~1 users reported
Image Collection
~1 users reported
I like collecting interesting free to use images.
what a sexy ferret
~4 users reported
a small node for a few people
~1 users reported
This is the self-hosted Mastodon server for Jordan Hatch - @jordan
~2 users reported
sparkgap: The smol fediverse server
The Fediverse
~1 users reported
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
~2 users reported
Code-Feather.de on Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
~2 users reported
Ich mach' das hier nur zum Spaß, keine Garantie für nix. Mach was du willst, aber sei nett dabei :) Wenn du Fascho-Dinge tust trifft das sicher nicht zu und du fliegst ohne Vorwarnung raus.
Mastodon Nieuwspaal
~1 users reported
Volg @nieuwspaal@mastodon-nieuwspaal.nl
~2 users reported
Agape Branch Community International Ministries
~1 users reported
John 3:16 Whoever believes in Jesus, shall not perish but have eternal life.