Fediverse | Servers | Members
~1 users reported
evil magnet recordings
~1 users reported
QuasselKopf - Person die viel redet.
~4 users reported
Mastodon ist ein soziales Netzwerk. Es basiert auf offenen Web-Protokollen und freier, quelloffener Software. Es ist dezentral, so wie die E-Mail.
QuasselKopf.de dient zum Micro-Bloggen und bis auf weiteres nur für dessen Betreiber. Eventuell auch in Zukunft für ausgewählte Kontakte. Einladungen werden nicht auf Anfrage erteilt!
~4 users reported
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
~3 users reported
~3 users reported
Formu1a Social
~23 users reported
welcome to the formula 1 focused mastodon instance!
~5 users reported
Own your own toots
MiLLL Mastodon
~29 users reported
This is a server sponsored by Samoa's Ministry for Education, Sport, and Culture (MESC) as part of the MESC innovative Lifelong Learning Lab.
~3 users reported
This is the server for Typetura (https://typetura.com) and the personal accounts of those involved in Typetura.
Ellie Social
~3 users reported
This is a personal instance of Ellie Warren.
SaasyCloud.com Social
~8 users reported
Welcome to SaasyCloud's public Mastodon server. We love software/security/network engineering, with a dose of musical interest and tend to geek out. But anyone is welcome to join!
Mastodon i Fjærland
~1 users reported
Dette er Mastodon-tenaren i Fjærland. Og kva er Mastodon? Det er eit sosialt medium utan sporing, reklame og algoritmar. Langt betre enn X.
~3 users reported
keyd's private mastodon server
dComms Mykolayiv Mastodon
~39 users reported
Part of dcomm.net.ua. Decentralized communication tools you can use, even when Internet connectivity to Telegram, Whatsapp, Facebook and others is no longer available.
~3 users reported
~9 users reported
Wireless IoT
~4 users reported
Everything about Wireless IoT
Mastodon (rwx.ch)
~5 users reported
Small approval needed server located in Switzerland for Friends and Family.
~3 users reported
Slightly Social
~3 users reported
A personal instance for people who are somewhat social.
~5 users reported
It doesn't have to be crazy at work!
A place for folks interested in (small-a) agile and lean ways of working, with a strong slant towards software delivery craft.
~3 users reported
A smol, private Mastodon instance.
~9 users reported
The premiere server for Aotearoan - New Zealand - Kiwi researchers (and our friends!). Mostly people I know, but open to others. Reach out to me.
~13 users reported