Fediverse | Servers | Members
Maple Crew
~3 users reported
Mastodon server for a small group of friends
~4 users reported
Dieses ist die Mastodon Instanz von Wrannek dem Bierserker. Sie ist für Freunde und Familie gedacht und kann nur auf Einladung betreten werden
~4 users reported
~1 users reported
~4 users reported
~5 users reported
~3 users reported
~6 users reported
OUTRÉ -adjective
Passing the bounds of what is usual or considered proper; unconventional; bizarre. A collaboration between @sutehk and @retrogeekz.
Lemmy - InButts.LOL - A Lemmy instance for a small community of friends.
~14 users reported
A Lemmy instance for a small community of friends.
~1 users reported
Crossgolf Deutschland
~1 users reported
Wir lieben Crossgolf
kazeťák na skládce
~245 users reported
Allison's Feed
~1 users reported
~4 users reported
Rete sociale per utenti introversi
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
madr.it :3
hachre's Mastodon
~5 users reported
Hello everyone, welcome to hachre's Mastodon server. This server is currently experimental and only accessible for signups to friends & family who are interested in joining the world of the Fediverse.
Cat With A Clarinet 2
~12 users reported
A sharkey-dev instance run by Ielenia :3
~5 users reported
Just a private server within the Fediverse
~4 users reported
Fediverse (Mastodon) server for Myk & Ann's extended family
Psycho Dog
~6 users reported
What's better than a prehistoric elephant? A prehistoric elephant and a dog with the zoomies
Javier Leiva
~1 users reported
Growing by Learning and Learning by Doing
~5 users reported
Embracing the moments of beauty in life while spreading smiles through the lens!
~23 users reported
An instance for fire performers, flow artists, and friends. Share your spark!
~2 users reported
Yeri "Tuinslak" Tiete's little Mastodon instance.