Fediverse | Servers | Members
Big Waste of Time
~1 users reported
Better than Average. By Mistake
~2 users reported
Bundesliga news and opinion | Bundesligavibes
Specialist for the general things
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
PeerTube Diplopode
~1 users reported
PeerTube est un outil de partage de vidéos en ligne conçu par Framasoft, une association française à but non lucratif.
Earnest Pettie's Rough Draft
~1 users reported
Half-formed thoughts from Earnest Pettie
~8 users reported
RSS Parrot
~839 users reported
Home of RSS Parrot, a free Fediverse service that lets you turn Mastodon into an RSS or Atom feed reader.
~1 users reported
Stephan Poller Elisabethstr. 2 23611 Bad Schwartau
~794 users reported
A generic Calckey gone FireFish gone Sharkey server for anyone to use.
Federation Network
~291 users reported
Federation.Network ist eine allgemeine deutschsprachige Instanz und (d)ein Einstieg in das Fediverse. Über das ActivityPub-Protokoll kannst du mit deinen Freunden auf Mastodon, Pixelfed, Lemmy & Co. kommunizieren, während du von Funktionen wie einem modernen und anpassbaren Interface, Emoji-Reaktionen, animierten Text-Posts bis zu 4000 Zeichen, Volltextsuche und vielem Weiteren profitierst.
~2 users reported
I Have Lost All Faith
~3 users reported
Just a server for myself and maybe some friends
~2 users reported
~3 users reported
~1 users reported
~3 users reported
phante Page
~1 users reported
Memento Mori
akazia fedi
~1 users reported
We do funny stuff...
This is mostly a private server but feel free to message for an account
Axehaft Streams
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
Mastodon 是一个分布式社交网络平台,Makito 使用官方 Mastodon 程序搭建而成,目前仅服务于站长 Makito 一人,其目的是满足 Makito 自己的社交需要和技术学习,且短时间内也并不打算开放注册,欢迎其它实例的用户关注站长。
~1 users reported
Boris Blog
~1 users reported
Blog über Linux, Maemo, Meego, SailfishOS und Schule
~1 users reported
ˈdʒɛri - Individual who sends life against the grain no matter the consequences
GNA Mastodon
~36 users reported
This Mastodon server is operated by the Global NOG Alliance