Fediverse | Servers | Members
~144 users reported
~94 users reported
A Fediverse server that's open to everyone, especially those who like anime, manga or light novels.
friends of librescrum
~33 users reported
Hi, dies ist der Mastodon Server von https://librescrum.org/
Fedinerds - Deine deutsche Nerd & Geek Community
~24 users reported
Wir sind eine aktive deutsche Community die sich zu den Themen: #Games, #Manga, #Filme, #Serien, #Technik, und #Anime austauscht.
OpenLab Augsburg
~27 users reported
Ein Raum für Deine Ideen
~21 users reported
Phoenix Radio is a non-profit internet radio station and we welcome your interaction; Find out more on www.phoenixradio1208.com
~18 users reported
Nous sommes des ami.e.s et connaissances IRL regroupés autour d'un même serveur Mastodon. Nos règles sont présentes sur https://delire.party/cgu.html
~28 users reported
Mit polsci.social reagiert der FID Politikwissenschaft auf das Interesse der politikwissenschaftlich Forschenden, einen offenen Kanal für die Wissenschaftskommunikation bereitzustellen.
~24 users reported
La Via di Lilith
~15 users reported
Dal 2020 la prima e unica Istanza Mastodon dedicata alla Regina Immortalis Lilith, fulcro degli adepti e delle adepte che dal 2019 fanno parte dell'unica "La Via di Lilith" OnLine!
~23 users reported
Starbase 80
~57 users reported
Just because we believe in Starfleet's ideals and values doesn't mean we're serious and professional. There's a reason we ended up at Starbase 80.
~37 users reported
CWTS Mastodon
~37 users reported
This Mastodon server is meant for public social media communication by anyone affiliated with the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University.
~27 users reported
A server made out of Purdue Grit™ and some tape
~28 users reported
Mastodon Racing
~162 users reported
🇬🇧 Instance dedicated to Motorsports,any kind of topic is accepted. Moderation is done in English or in French.
🇫🇷 Petite instance dédiée aux Sports Mécaniques, tout type de sujet y est accepté.
Istanza Mastodon in italiano per siciliani (ma non solo) per discutere di politica (ma non solo).
~31 users reported
Server rivolto a pacifisti e nonviolenti, ecologisti e animalisti, libertari e comunisti che desiderano scambiare opinioni fuori dai social commerciali.
Oye! Mastodon
~30 users reported
Esta es tu instancia para reunir y promover el pódcast producido en español desde cualquier lugar del mundo.
Bienvenidas todas las personas que de una u otra forma hacen pódcast.
~66 users reported
Committed to truth in discourse.
universo Alterno
~30 users reported
Bienvenido al Universo Alterno. otra instancia general.
~38 users reported
Community of active transportation users & enthusiasts in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
~187 users reported
The Illuminati! On Mastadon! Or maybe not. Maybe just some random people interested in various things. Exercise skepticism.
Away Message Club
~35 users reported
a little Mastodon service for people who miss when the most social we got was carefully choosing song lyrics for our AIM away messages
~117 users reported