Fediverse | Servers | Members
Honey Mummy Central
~19 users reported
A cozy little tomb full of friendly ghouls.
Sadposting Central
~70 users reported
An Akkoma instance, for sad memes
~20 users reported
Федеративная социальная сеть с практически полной свободой слова и самовыражения. Нет чёрных списков инстансов, нет чёрных списков пользователей — читайте кого хотите, подписывайтесь на кого хотите.
spectre of communism
~39 users reported
the spectre of communism is haunting ur mom :3333
~15 users reported
Per la descentralització de les comunicacions entre iguals.
Generem les ferramentes i les xarxes necessàries per a l'emancipació.
Per una societat horitzontal, lliure i llibertària.
~19 users reported
small is.net instance for me and my friends • check out the info page: https://icy.maxy.top/info/
A modular open source framework to model energy supply systems
~16 users reported
A modular open source framework to model energy supply systems
Mitarbeiterportal für den Mittelstand
~3 users reported
Unterstützung für alle Mitarbeiter und deren Angehörige von 0 bis 99plus!
~31 users reported
한국어 화자 중심의 자유 주제 서버로, 아늑하고 편안한 분위기를 지향하고 있습니다.
Freifunk München Social
~18 users reported
social.ffmuc.net ist eine von Freifunk München betriebene Mastodon-Instanz
SIGSOFT Mastodon Server
~81 users reported
A Mastodon server for member of SIGSOFT, the ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (https://www.sigsoft.org). The SIGSOFT Mastodon server is run by the SIGSOFT executive committee.
Raccoon Place
~59 users reported
I like da raccoons. They are soft fluffy babie. General use mastodon instance with a very heavy block policy (i block instances on vibes mostly (definitely not a "freeze peach zone"))
~80 users reported
Mastodon.ngo gives NGOs, nonprofits, and their communities a safe, trusted home in the fediverse.
Verein österreichischer betrieblicher und behördlicher Datenschutzbeauftragter
~75 users reported
Privacyofficers.at ist die größte österreichische Community für Datenschutzbeauftragte. Für unsere Mitglieder stellen wir hier einen Zugang zum weltweiten Netzwerk von Mastodon bereit.
Wikimedia Deutschland
~41 users reported
Diese Mastodon-Instanz im Fediverse wird von Wikimedia Deutschland – Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e.V. für die Mitglieder des Präsidiums und die Mitarbeiter*innen betrieben.
~36 users reported
A lonely little town in the wider world of the fediverse.
~53 users reported
A Montco, Pennsylvania based instance to share thoughts with friends and read what's going on in the world. Established October 2022 in the great exodus from birdspace.
illo.social by Hireillo
~81 users reported
This instance of Mastodon is run by Darren Di Lieto and funded by Hireillo Limited. Darren set up this server specifically to give Hireillo members and friends access to the Fediverse.
~286 users reported
Mastodon Hrvatska
~136 users reported
The Chill Peep Zone
~49 users reported
A LGBTQ+ friendly multi-fandom instance for newcomers to the fediverse. Open to furries, artists and techies!
Tech Field Day
~54 users reported
This is the Tech Field Day Mastodon instance, for delegates and friends of The Futurum Group's Tech Field Day event series
~97 users reported
We're accepting of any and all relationship practices, are consent and kink aware, are welcoming to LGBTQIA+ folk and extend a specific welcome to black, brown, and indigenous folk.
~54 users reported
En dansk Mastodon-server for folk med særlig interesse for militær og sikkerhedspolitik.
Gear Pictures
~312 users reported