Fediverse | Servers | Members
SpaceUp City
~4 users reported
SpaceUp City is a small corner of the Mastodon federated social community. We're space supporters and futurists, and we welcome you too!
Spacey Space
~712 users reported
The place for all things Space! Rocket Launches, Space Weather, Human exploration of the cosmos, and dreams of the future! Welcome to your new space for all things space!
~2 users reported
Stuff that doesn't matter
~2 users reported
Dies und das
Spanierin in den Alpen
~1 users reported
Aventuras de una española en los Alpes austriacos (ahora en Salzburgo)
~1 users reported
Single user instance.
~1 users reported
A place for the free heart
~2 users reported
sparkgap: The smol fediverse server
~1 users reported
~0 users reported
Personal Cloud, held together with duct tape and bubble gum
~1 users reported
This is a single user instance. It does not knowingly federate with racists, transphobes, homophobes, fascists, white supremacists, or others of that type.
~6 users reported
Join Sparta's vibrant Fediverse community on CollabFC, where football fans connect and share in a dynamic, dedicated space across one hosted network.
~10 users reported
A Mastodon instance maintained by @waltwooton.
Spaß mit japanischen Zeichentrickfilmen
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
spatial is our specialty
SPD Forum Netzpolitik
~1 users reported
für ein offenes, freies und soziales Netz
SPD Garching
~6 users reported
SPD Garching
SPD Lübeck - Soziale Politik für Dich.
~0 users reported
Für ganz Lübeck.
~64 users reported
Eine Mastodon-Instanz für die Mitglieder der SPD und der Jusos.
speak no evil
~1 users reported
hobbim a szóborsó
Speak Sound Doctrine
~1 users reported
A Titus 2 Ministry
Special Projects
~4 users reported
A small mastodon for special people
Specialist for the general things
~1 users reported
Spectra Video
~734 users reported
Spectra is a PeerTube instance dedicated to supporting original content creators, and building the video community within the fediverse!
spectre of communism
~39 users reported
the spectre of communism is haunting ur mom :3333