Fediverse | Servers | Members
₍₍⁽⁽(ી( ・◡︎・ )ʃ)₎₎⁾⁾
~26 users reported
₍₍⁽⁽(ી( ・◡︎・ )ʃ)₎₎⁾⁾ うねうねです
∴ the server is online
~3 users reported
a proof-by-contradiction of its own non-offlineness;
moonlights as a small, private instance run by a few babbling nerds
~1 users reported
Ⓐ social
~5 users reported
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server
△ Prismo / fedibird
~501 users reported
~3502 users reported
~1 users reported
☕ Coffee Break 別館
~88 users reported
参加は20歳以上(含精神年齢)Coffee Breakに関係なくどなたでも参加どうぞ
Coffee Break、 珈琲休憩、GAME OVERの姉妹サイトです。ローカルタイムライン、グローバルタイムライン無しの汎用サーバーです。
Coffee Break + 珈琲休憩 + GAME OVER+αのパブリック投稿が流れるバブルタイムラインがあります。
☕ wanted
~2 users reported
☠️ librepunk ☠️
~291 users reported
a friendly general instance for coders, queers, and leftists!
~3 users reported
~4 users reported
⚧️.fm is the reference TrashPoss instance
Press login to get redirected to the SSO where you can make a new account or sign in using your existing account.
Sponsored and hosted by Fire Systems Network
~2 users reported
~1 users reported
~4 users reported
✨Plush✨City 🏙
~670 users reported
This is a space for soft friends and friends of soft friends to
gather together to share compassion and care for one another!
Please review our Code of Conduct prior signing up!
✨🌈 Squelfland 🌈✨
~1 users reported
This is a personal Mastodon server which only hosts a single account owned by me, Marina Neira. I post original art and fantasy writing.
❌🔑 Aetherica
~3 users reported
A colony of cats and other extraordinary creatures pretending to be responsible human adults. Seeking a better tomorrow, one wobbly kittens-in-a-trenchcoat step at a time. Please do not startle.
(This is a private instance operated by a couple of introverts who wanted to try Misskey.)
➰ Last Chance Rodeo
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
徒然に身を任せ己をさらす垢。 写真、小説等を載せます。気軽にfollow me 大阪芸術大学写真学科卒 Osaka University of Arts P20
~6 users reported
Contact @0x2b1d:matrix.misaka.me on matrix for the invitation code
『et tu dis』
~2 users reported
zazwe in love
~17 users reported
~1 users reported
【友引町】Tomobiki City
~2 users reported
Now with Nix