~1 users reported
Husband, Father, Software Engineer (PHP, go, etc.). Lover of Star Trek and
Looking for other things to do, such as writing, acting, voice acting, but not
really finding the time for it. Maybe when my kids are a little older, I'll
get back on stage.
Currently looking for a new job. Senior, Staff, or Principal Software Engineer
or Web Developer, specializing in go or PHP. Please check out my LinkedIn or
résumé below if you think you can help. #FediHire #GetFediHired
Feel free to follow. I may follow back if we seem to have similar interests.
Existing in the context of all in which I live and what came before me.
#Kamala4President #KamalaHarris #NeverAgainTrump
#BlackLivesMatter #TransRightsAreHumanRights #StayWoke
Other interests: #Parenting #StarTrek #Writing #Theater #anime #PHP #golang
#Programming #WebDevelopment #genealogy #ScienceFiction