Fediverse | Servers | Members
aha's notes
~1 users reported
Ahead on Differential
~1 users reported
The blog arm of the Derek Godin Online Media Empire | derekgodin.com
~2 users reported
Indie Game Developer
ahfrom akkoma
~1 users reported
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
ahfrom pixelfed
~2 users reported
AhlCode social server
~3 users reported
This is a fediverse instance run by T:mi AhlCode, a sole proprietorship in Finland that runs Code::Stats. This instance hosts the owner's personal account and other related accounts.
Ahnaf's Alcove
~1 users reported
Ink, echo, image, spark.
~8 users reported
~1 users reported
Modern AI especially LLMs are total and utter pants.
~1 users reported
AI has exploded in popularity of late. This brill makes the case that this is a good thing.
AI Art Gallery
~1 users reported
AI artworks
AI Gallery
~17 users reported
Welcome to AI Gallery: Where Art Meets Innovation
AI News Monitor
~1 users reported
The latest news on artificial intelligence
AI Story Weavers
~1 users reported
Where Imagination Meets Algorithms: Exploring AI Art and Fiction
~1 users reported
~13 users reported
Aidoru Cafe
~3 users reported
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server
aiki social
~9 users reported
An instance for any aikidoka in the fediverse
~2 users reported
# important
If I block an instance you are on it either means that your instance was affected during the attack or your instance goes against mine's rules. If you think the instance is in the former group, please send me a message somewhere.
Sharkey (formerly Firefish and Calckey) instance hosted by and for Aikoyori.
Slightly more information:
I will block anything that I encounter and deemed too unsafe for work/life or just bad faith stuff in general just like many public instances.
~1 users reported
Ain't that cunnin'!
~30 users reported
Ain't That Cunnin' is a Fediverse instance running Mastodon intended as a community hub for folks who live in Maine.
Aino Ruotanen
~1 users reported
~4 users reported
~3 users reported
Neither Artificial nor Intelligent
AIOaxaca: Navigating the AI Revolution in the Heart of Glocalized Business
~1 users reported
Empowering Your Business with AI: Bridging Cultures, Enhancing Operations, Nourishing Innovation