Fediverse | Servers | Members
~1 users reported
~11 users reported
Was ist https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendica ?
Im Prinzip ein Ersatz für die bisherigen Communityseiten, nur das in Friendica (und RedMatrix) Du volle Kontrolle über deine Daten hast. Es gibt keine Werbung und Du wirst nicht ausspioniert, außerdem steht es dir frei, jederzeit mit deinem Profil (Konto) auf einen anderen Server umzuziehen.
fl0w's private Mastodon instance
~1 users reported
fl0w's private Mastodon instance
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
Tyler Nienhouse
Flaketown Pixelfed
~1 users reported
Flameeyes's Weblog
~1 users reported
This Time Self-Hosted
Flaming Desk
~1 users reported
Hell's Help Desk
Fläming sozial
~4 users reported
Stay connected in and with the Fläming
Flancian's links
~1 users reported
Flannel with Faith
~1 users reported
Flannel with Faith-Embracing Imperfection with Faith, Flannel, & Fresh Air
Flapping Crane
~3 users reported
Flapping Crane was an unsuccessful and frankly obnoxious group of weirdos who made internet skits back from 2004–2012. The quality varies wildly, but we're trying to preserve the skits here nonetheless.
~83 users reported
🪑 Misskey質素生活部
🏕 ゆるくつながる質素なコミュニティです。
📖 日常をシェアしよう。
Flatbush Gardener
~3 users reported
Urban Habitat Gardening with Native Plants
~16 users reported
~2 users reported
Eine kleine private Peertube-Instanz mit viel CatContent
Flavours of Open
~1 users reported
FLEAR (Free & Libre Engineers for Amateur Radio)
~1 users reported
FLEAR is an open-source and open-standards incubator for Ham Radio
Fleet of Islands
~1 users reported
Solid State Dreaming in 3 Dimensions
~3 users reported
A flohmarkt instance, sell and buy 2nd hand items from other users
~1 users reported
Flight Club
~27 users reported
for av geeks.
Flight Path
~1 users reported
a photoblog
~2 users reported
Des flims et d'autres choses.
flip Mainz e. V.
~1 users reported
Verein für Zirkus, Bewegungs- und darstellende Künste