Fediverse | Servers | Members
~3 users reported
tail -f /proc/social
Tiny personal micro-instance.
~1 users reported
Front-End Social
~308 users reported
Front-end web makers who value humans over technology & embrace diversity on an accessible web. We hope to stay small & grow slowly. Mascots by @stephaniewalter. More at https://about.front-end.social
Frontrange.co - Colorado
~156 users reported
For anyone who values kindness and inclusivity. Named for those who live in the Front Range of the Rockies, and also those who wish they could :)
~2 users reported
Family&friends only server.
Froschs Blog:
~1 users reported
Frost Kiwi's Mastodon
~1 users reported
Speaking: 🇩🇪 🇷🇺 🇬🇧 🇯🇵 Material Research, Medical Imaging & Graphics Programming, based in Japan. Blog: http://blog.frost.kiwi YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@FrostKiwi
Froth Blogs
~4 users reported
A place for longform frothing
~49 users reported
FrothTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
Frozen History 7 Publishing Book Review Podcast
~1 users reported
A Weekly Book Review Podcast By Andrea E Menzies
Frozen Lemmy - A general purpose instance for anything.
~124 users reported
A general purpose instance for anything.
Fru Slott på tredje
~2 users reported
En blog om kreative sysler, altan- og haveliv
Frubar Pixelfed
~6 users reported
~41 users reported
Mastodon-Instanz von FRÜF – Frauen reden über Fußball. 💛💚 FLINTA*-Menschen werden bei Account-Requests bevorzugt behandelt.
fruit salad of night raven college
~10 users reported
if you aren't friends with mateo u do not go here !!!!!
~19 users reported
부끄러워서 판 서버
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
Watch the Free Software Foundation Europe's (FSFE) videos on their independent, self-hosted PeerTube instance.
~30 users reported
Instance by [the students council for computer science and engineering](https://www.fsinf.at) @ [Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)](https://www.tuwien.ac.at)
~1 users reported
Sunrise, parabellum
fstab - /etc/fstab
~1 users reported
FSuB Mastodon
~13 users reported
Der Freie Software und Bildung e.V. (kurz: FSuB) fördert das Verständnis und den selbstbestimmten Umgang mit Informationstechnologien auf der Basis Offener Standards und Freier Software.
~872 users reported
Fediverse.tv La tele del fediverso
~2 users reported
The People's Republic of Fub