Fediverse | Servers | Members
Furry Federation Meetup
~30629 users reported
Our instance is focused on the furry community, and those interested in it!
Furry Industries
~5 users reported
~200 users reported
Furry.Energy is a UK based Mastodon Server oriented towards those in the furry & LGBTQA+ communities.
Techie? Musician? Gamer? Hiking? Share your hobbies too, all are welcome!
Furry.Engineer - Duct tape, hotfixes, and poor soldering!
~1694 users reported
An instance aimed at techies and engineers of all types within the furry fandom, but anyone is welcome. We're an LGBTQ+ friendly community and aiming to offer a safe space for our users.
~8 users reported
Furry based Mastodon instance. LGBTQ+ friendly and moderation active community.
~9 users reported
This is a private, invite only instance at present used for testing, validation of code changes and well ... me existing here! You may request an invite to this instance if I (Terrence the Fox) know you ;)
FurryFandom.me Pixelfed
~131 users reported
~55 users reported
FurryFlix, another PeerTube instance for the furries.
~2 users reported
The reincarnation of the Furry Pride Akkoma server, Akkoma decided to die so I switched to Mastodon-Glitch! Will allow user reg soon - still working out kinks
FurryViles Silly Instance
~1 users reported
fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake
~93 users reported
Furs.Social, a community for furries and friends! This is a place for all members of the furry community to connect and share content.
~12 users reported
(shutdown on 6/30/2025) Furstown—yet another furry fandom–focused Mastodon instance!
Fursuits Online
~202 users reported
A server for fursuiters, fursuit makers, and fursuit enthusiasts.
Fusil UK
~3 users reported
Xander Foster's Personal Website & Portfolio
Fusion Patrol
~5 users reported
Come join the conversation...
Fusion Patrol
~5 users reported
Come join the conversation...
Fusselkaters Cloud
~0 users reported
a safe home for all your data
Füssen aktuell
~4 users reported
Magazin aus Füssen mit Events, News, Artikeln
FUTO PeerTube Instance
~2 users reported
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
Futter mit Liebe
~1 users reported
Veranstaltungen rund um Dein Haustier
Futur numerique
~2 users reported
A place to welcome the digital future.
Future Text Lab
~19 users reported
~1 users reported
FutureFatum.com - a patchwork of possibilities
~4 users reported
A place for solarpunks and others to come together to discuss theory and praxis for utopia and the journey to get us there.
Futuro mi Cuba
~1 users reported
Futuro mi Cuba es un espacio dedicado a reflexionar sobre la realidad cubana desde una perspectiva social y crítica. Aquí exploramos historias, análisis y propuestas para continuar haciendo del futuro algo más justo y esperanzador para nuestra patria socialista.