Fediverse | Servers | Members
~2 users reported
Small Pleroma server
Jens Gustedt's Blog
~2 users reported
~1 users reported
A single-user Mastodon instance for Jepsen announcements & discussion.
Jerald D'souza
~1 users reported
More conversations are required on the Constitution and its tenets of equality, justice and fraternity. This blog is a forum to share discussions, opinions and thoughts under the umbrella of the Constitution of India
~1 users reported
raconteur, gadabout, epicurean, dauber he/him/his Jack of all trades, master of none. Spends time in front of a computer. Uses ellipsis and parentheticals liberally.
Jeremy Adamson
~1 users reported
Website of Jeremy Adamson, data and analytics leader and author of Minding the Machines.
Jeremy Belcher
~1 users reported
Product & Design Leader
Jeremy Herve
~2 users reported
That's me. And my blog. In English and in French.
Jeremy Nickurak -- Nickurak.ca
~1 users reported
I’m a software and systems developer, and I’m always looking for a great team of people to learn together with. I’m driven by the chance to create new things, learn new things, and share new things, growing and sharing understanding and expertise with those around me.
Jeroen Habets
~0 users reported
Jeroen's personal server used to host some applications and test some others
Jeroen Sangers ◦ brain tags
- Jeroen Sangers ◦ brain tags
~1 users reported
Follow @jeroensangers on Micro.blog.
Jeroen's Mastodon
~6 users reported
Self-hosted social media platform by Jeroen Habets venturing into the world of Mastodon.
Jerome Evans
~2 users reported
Television, Vlog, Blog
Jeronimo Design DDS
~2 users reported
Personal server for @jeroen@social.jeronimodesign.com
~2 users reported
A mastodon server for islanders and other people with a connection to Jersey, Channel Islands.
Jersey Counter-Info
~2 users reported
Anarchist News and Analysis from so-called New Jersey
~1 users reported
Jesse Tomchak
~1 users reported
Follow @jtomchak on Micro.blog.
Jesse Wellman Tube
~3 users reported
PeerTube, a federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent and Angular.
Jesse Youngblood
~1 users reported
Software, Startups, & Sandwiches
Jesse's Friendica
~2 users reported
Jesse's Magical Emporium
~3 users reported
Instance by JesseW, also known as CPlusPatch. Contains my personal account and some friends.
Jesse's Sharkey
~3 users reported
This a small Sharkey instance for @jesse's friends and family to participate in the Fediverse. I hope to open it up to more in the future. Geeky stuff and corgi's mostly for now.
Jessie Patrick
~1 users reported
Creative Mompreneur
Jesús Gómez
~2 users reported