Fediverse | Servers | Members
~2 users reported
Lemmy - A general-purpose Lemmy instance. We're happily welcoming new members and communities!
~21 users reported
A general-purpose Lemmy instance. We're happily welcoming new members and communities!
Lemmy - A Lemmy for general use, hosted in Northern Europe.
~1101 users reported
A Lemmy for general use, hosted in Northern Europe.
Lemmy - InButts.LOL - A Lemmy instance for a small community of friends.
~14 users reported
A Lemmy instance for a small community of friends.
Lemmy - lemmy.tobyvin.dev
~3 users reported
Lemmy - Personal Lemmy Instance
~6 users reported
Personal Lemmy Instance
Lemmy Cafe - A general purpose fediverse instance
~634 users reported
A general purpose fediverse instance
Lemmy GayFR.Online - Lemmy pour la communauté gay francophone : liberté de nos échanges, partage d'expériences, bons plans, plaisirs, désirs et tous sujets de conversation
~14 users reported
Lemmy pour la communauté gay francophone : liberté de nos échanges, partage d'expériences, bons plans, plaisirs, désirs et tous sujets de conversation
Lemmy Mengsk - Home of Freedom
~4 users reported
Home of Freedom
Lemmy MichaelSasser
~2 users reported
Lemmy Myserv one - Users are encouraged to join this Lemmy Server. This Lemmy server was setup to help reduce load on other Lemmy servers.
~389 users reported
Users are encouraged to join this Lemmy Server. This Lemmy server was setup to help reduce load on other Lemmy servers.
Lemmy Naukio
~10 users reported
A private server for friends. Do not apply if you do not know me personally.
Lemmy NZ - Lemmy for New Zealanders
~954 users reported
Lemmy for New Zealanders
Lemmy Português - Uma instância pública de Lemmy dedicada a toda a comunidade de LÃngua Portuguesa.
~1013 users reported
Uma instância pública de Lemmy dedicada a toda a comunidade de Língua Portuguesa.
Lemmy Shtuf - A small private instance for when shtuf hits the fan.
~2 users reported
A small private instance for when shtuf hits the fan.
Lemmy Space
~2 users reported
Lemmy Staphup - Een lemmy server voor regio Staphorst
~8 users reported
Een lemmy server voor regio Staphorst
Lemmy Thick
~2 users reported
content aggregator and micro-blogging platform for the fediverse
lemmy.az.social - Lemmy Server for the State of Arizona
~1 users reported
Lemmy Server for the State of Arizona
Lemmy.ca - A canadian-run community, geared towards canadians, but all are welcome!
~10516 users reported
A canadian-run community, geared towards canadians, but all are welcome!
Lemmy.eus - Euskarazko web-foro libre eta federatuak. Euskalmemeak, software librea, fedibertsoa, etimologiak...
~524 users reported
Euskarazko web-foro libre eta federatuak. Euskalmemeak, software librea, fedibertsoa, etimologiak...
lemmy.gregw.us - Yet Another Lemmy Instance
~12 users reported
Yet Another Lemmy Instance
~3 users reported
~10 users reported
~3 users reported