Fediverse | Servers | Members
~1 users reported
Auf der Suche nach Freiheit und mir selbst. Ticks und Trips aus meinem Leben.
~1 users reported
When your dreams come alive you're unstoppable
Take a shot, chase the sun, find the beautiful
We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
And we'll dream it possible
Libera associazione di studi anarchici
~1 users reported
Libera Energia Arti Marziali
~1 users reported
Libera Folio
~9 users reported
sendependa movada bulteno
Libera Site
~54 users reported
~22 users reported
登録前に必ず、利用規約をご確認ください。 https://info.libera.tokyo/about/libera-tokyo/policy/
Liberal City
~74 users reported
free speech and good faith in pursuit of community and greater understanding.
Liberal LGBT
~86 users reported
The globohomo cabal (positive)
Liberated Embedded Systems
~1 users reported
~2466 users reported
Liberdon is an instance for libertarians, ancaps, anarchists, voluntaryists, agorists, etc to sound off without fear of reprisal. It was created in the wake of the Great Twitter Cullings of 2018.
Liberta Audio
~1838 users reported
Liberta Blogs
~39 users reported
Votre blog sur Liberta : simple, rapide, gratuit et respectueux de vos données.
Liberta Vidéo
~1055 users reported
Liberta Vidéo est un service de diffusion vidéo ouvert et gratuit à vocation généraliste / Liberta Video is an open and free video broadcasting service with a generalist vocation.
~2 users reported
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
Liberty Node
~9 users reported
The open source, decentralized social network we deserve. Powered by Mastodon.
Liberty Node
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
Videos related to the Libervia project: feature presentation, tutorials, etc.
~1 users reported
Ligue d'Improvisation de Brest et de l'Île D'Ouessant
~41 users reported
libori.social ist eine freie, digital nachhaltige und soziale Plattform für pastoral Interessierte im Erzbistum Paderborn.
Themen: Alltägliches, sowie Austausch über Kirche und Pastoral.
~1401 users reported
Nice people with good intentions are welcome. :) The server is located in Helsinki and is running on Friendica's develop code. An enhanced selection of add-ons and connectors is available.
You can communicate seamlessly with people from Friendica, Mastodon, Misskey, Pleroma, Diaspora, GnuSocial and follow RSS/Atom feeds.
Do you also want to use a small cloud storage? There is a Nextcloud and an XMPP server that you can easily use with your Friendica login.
LIBRANET.de cloud
~0 users reported
a safe home for all your data
~4 users reported
This is a place for those in libraries and library adjacent professions, like archives, to experiment with Mastodon and the wider the Fediverse.
Librarian of Alexandria
~1 users reported
Library of Erana
~1 users reported
A haven of magic, myth and mayhem! Blog stops, books, reviews, interviews and more. The site of fantasy author, poet and blogger A. L. Butcher.