Fediverse | Servers | Members
Mastodon Poland
~1203 users reported
(PL): Mastodon Polska - Bezpieczna, wolna instancja otwartej sieci społecznościowej Mastodon.
(EN): Mastodon Poland - A safe, free instance of the Mastodon open social network.
Mastodon Polska
~532 users reported
Mastodon Polska, to instancja wolnej i otwartej sieci społecznościowej, dostępna dla każdego kto chce dzielić się swoim światem z innymi. Zapraszamy!
Mastodon Posterdati
~4 users reported
Un server per un gruppo di amici che hanno tanta voglia di fare zingarate.
Mastodon Privat
~2 users reported
Mastodon progressives
~21 users reported
Mastodon Québec
~217 users reported
Un lieu d'échange pour Québécois et Québécoises souhaitant discuter de manière respectueuse et bienveillante.
Mastodon Racing
~162 users reported
🇬🇧 Instance dedicated to Motorsports,any kind of topic is accepted. Moderation is done in English or in French.
🇫🇷 Petite instance dédiée aux Sports Mécaniques, tout type de sujet y est accepté.
Mastodon Road FM
~11 users reported
Bienvenue sur l'instance Mastodon de l'Association Road FM. Ce serveur réunit les personnes de tous horizons. Rejoignez la discussion !Vos données sont entre de bonnes mains.
Mastodon Rooty.fr
~12 users reported
Instance mastodon du domaine rooty.fr
Mastodon Roští.cz
~4 users reported
Mastodon instance projektu Roští.cz
Mastodon Ruby White
~4 users reported
Run by and for friends of Ruby White
Mastodon Ruhrpott
~394 users reported
Du bist ein Kind des Ruhrgebiets? Das Ruhrgebiet ist deine Heimat? Du machst gern Urlaub im Pott? Du bist einfach nur neugierig? Dann tritt dieser Instanz bei und tausche dich mit netten Menschen aus.
Mastodon Server aus Ratingen
~4 users reported
Mastodon Instanz aus Ratingen für alle, die sich dieser schönen Stadt verbunden fühlen.
Mastodon server for AR/VR enthusiasts
~1685 users reported
arvr.social was started as a place where people that are interested in AR/VR can exchange information.
However, anyone is welcome to join and post :-)
Mastodon server for fixermark.com
~1 users reported
Personal server for Mark Tomczak (fixermark.com).
Mastodon server hosted in Copenhagen, Denmark.
~3533 users reported
Mastodon server hosted in Copenhagen, Denmark, by a dane.
All languages are welcome, Federated with other Danish servers. Focus on safety, transparency and security.
Mastodon server just for Rob Bricheno
~1 users reported
Mastodon Server of the Institute of Nursing Science @UNIBAS
~12 users reported
Mastodon Server of the Institute of Nursing Science @UNIBAS
Mastodon Solidev
~1 users reported
Instance mastodon fournie par solidev - expérimentation pour l'instant.
Mastodon Star One
~26 users reported
Mainly for my friends, their friends, and their friends. No particular focus for this instance. New users welcome if you tell say what your connexion to myself or one of my friends actually is.
Mastodon sur Lovetux.net
~6 users reported
Serveur Mastodon auto-hébergé en France.
Ce serveur est destiné à toutes personnes.
Mastodon sur parleur.net
~7 users reported
Mastodon tab-g test
~2 users reported
For testing of specific usage in existing groups of people.
Mastodon Test
~1 users reported
Mastodon Testing
~2 users reported