Fediverse | Servers | Members
My Liberty Social
~6 users reported
My library of feelings
~1 users reported
Обсуждаем книги, растём и развиваемся вместе
My little poetry by Cresy Crescenza
~1 users reported
My Money Box
~1 users reported
Making Personal Financial Planning Simpler
My Name Is Michael
~3 users reported
This is my blog. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My Nextcloud
~0 users reported
a safe home for all your data
my notepad
~1 users reported
My Online Class Pro
~1 users reported
Your Online Class Assistant
My paintings 🖼️
~1 users reported
Art made with love 💌
My Palette and Me
~1 users reported
I'm the line in between
My Prostate Cancer Journey
~1 users reported
One Man's Journey With Prostate Cancer
My Scattered Thoughts
~1 users reported
The oldest and most obscure weblog. Probably. Lovingly maintained and neglected by Shawn Kilburn.
My Scruffy Parts
~2 users reported
Private server just for scruffs
My Site Where I Federate
~1 users reported
Posting my thoughts, plus Fediverse
My Slice of Mexico
~1 users reported
Discover and re-discover Mexico’s cuisine, culture and history through the recipes, backyard stories and other interesting findings of an expatriate in Canada
My Social Portal Friendica Test (FOR TESTING ONLY)
~6 users reported
My Social Portal's Friendica Social Network
~54 users reported
This is a general Friendica server owned/run by My Social Portal LLC. It is hosted out of the United States. While registration is open all registration requests are manually reviewed before acceptance.
My Spiritual Blog
~2 users reported
The Thoughts of a Black Christian Episcopalian
My Sunshine Video
~188 users reported
Video sharing using the free, open source PeerTube application!
There are no ads, no tracking, and no spam!
My Tales of My Life
~5 users reported
My Tech Life
~1 users reported
Technology is great. Yeah. Right.
My Tenant Matters
~1 users reported
The Authority on Tenant Matters
my tokyo kitchen
~1 users reported
organizing, cooking, and learning to love a very. small. kitchen.
~1 users reported
confessions are self-serving
my vids or something
~2 users reported
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.