Fediverse | Servers | Members
~10 users reported
NSFW.lgbt is a sex-worker and LGBTQ-friendly social network that allows all adults regardless of sexuality to share legal NSFW content. This is a SAFE SPACE for LGBTQ+ adults, although non-queer adults and allies are welcome. This site runs Sharkey, a fork of Misskey, and is part of the greater Fediverse/ ActivityPub network of servers. You must be at least 18 years old to register an account and to use this service. This server, and your data, is located in Europe.
The posting of CSAM/CSEM (real or not) will not be tolerated and inviduals posting such material will be immediately reported to the authorities and their accounts removed.
This server blocks Meta's threads.net due to its refusal to fact-check and moderate harmful posts on its platform.
~25 users reported
NSFW.social is a sex-worker and adult-friendly social network that allows all adults to share legal NSFW content. This is a SAFE SPACE for everyone regardless of your sexual orientation or gender identity. This site runs Sharkey, a fork of Misskey, and is part of the greater Fediverse/ ActivityPub network of servers. You must be at least 18 years old to register an account and to use this service. This server, and your data, is located in Europe.
The posting of CSAM/CSEM (real or not) will not be tolerated and inviduals posting such material will be immediately reported to the authorities and their accounts removed.
This server blocks Meta's threads.net due to its refusal to fact-check and moderate harmful posts on its platform.
~375 users reported
~9 users reported
Notre instance Mastodon privée est un espace en ligne personnel et fermé pour une communauté sélectionnée d'utilisateurs.
~15 users reported
A small server for the social group surrounding development for Apple platforms.
~1 users reported
~3 users reported
Nstr Video
~2 users reported
Strictly focused PeerTube instance for computing, music, electronics and entertainment.
NS中文嘟嘟 Mastodon中文社区
~8198 users reported
NS中文嘟嘟 Mastodon中文社区
~8199 users reported
nta's space
~1 users reported
NTGR Mastodon
~3 users reported
This is a personal Mastodon server for NTGR, AKA Neal and Jessica.
nthomas20's Friendica Site
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
Nu Almere
~2 users reported
Wel en wee van Almere
~0 users reported
un lieu sûr pour toutes vos données
~0 users reported
Fluffy data
~0 users reported
un petit coin de ciel.
Nuage d'EDEN
~0 users reported
Le gestionnaire collaboratif de l’association
Nuage de J&J
~0 users reported
Nuage FabriceH
~0 users reported
mon nuage libre à moi
Nuage Fiat+⁄-Lux
~0 users reported
Reprenons le contrôle de nos données
Nuage Tadaa
~0 users reported
Le Nuage de Tadaa, propulsé par NextCloud
Nuage Vitton
~0 users reported
Le nuage à la maison
~3 users reported
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server