Fediverse | Servers | Members
~4 users reported
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Dokumentation & Information
Oenggun's Random Notes
~1 users reported
OERu Events - Mobilizon Instance
~1 users reported
Open, decentralised, community-driven educational events for learners and educators alike.
OERu Social - Mastodon
~2267 users reported
This instance is run by the OER Foundation. It is a home for open educators & learners involved in the OERu. Accounts of learners not involved in OERu courses may be removed.
of Sex and Love
~2 users reported
..but mostly sex
~1 users reported
quote unquote
Oferta Académica IEMV
~1 users reported
Instituto online dedicado a Mejorar el Rendimiento Académico mediante Estrategias de Aprendizaje Metacognitivas, Afectivas y Cognitivas
OFF Investigation
~3 users reported
OFF Investigation est un média d'enquête indépendant constitué autour de Jean-Baptiste Rivoire, ex-rédacteur en chef adjoint de « Spécial investigation » sur Canal+, et journalistes d'investigation.
~3 users reported
The not-really-about crosswords podcast. "A show that is almost entirely digressions from its notional subject." - The General
Off-road Insiders
~3 users reported
From newcomers to experienced wheelers, Nate and Jeep Momma inside the off-road community. And we’re sharing our experience with you!
~1 users reported
An intersectional festival about collective practices & free technologies production
Offenes Fernsehen für die Freiheitlich Demokratische Grundordnung
~106 users reported
Offenes Fernsehen mit dem Ziel die Freiheitlich Demokratische Grundordnung zu Verteidigen.
Offensichtlich Die Antifa, wer sonst?
~46 users reported
Offensive gegen Rechts Steiermark
~1 users reported
Offensive Gegen Rechts Graz - ein überparteiliches Bündnis gegen die FPÖ, Rechts und Faschismus
Offerman PeerTube server
~2 users reported
Adrian Offerman is a computer engineer by origin, who has been working in technology transfer, science communication, knowledge transfer, and ICT specialist journalism for almost thirty years now.
Officebot Homelab
~2 users reported
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
Official Posts & Updates From Andrew Talbot
~1 users reported
Official Posts & Updates From Andrew Talbot
Official Stonenet bridge
~1 users reported
Official SUPP UP. Mastodon Server
~3 users reported
A server for self-reliance enthusiasts. If you're a decent human being, enjoy the outdoors, and believe in your right to privacy, join us. NO racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia or transphobia.
Officially certified
~3 users reported
~36 users reported
En mastodon-server för automatiserade RSS-flöden från svenska myndigheter och organisationer
officina tinea
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
Officinali per ricominciare!
~1 users reported
Offroad Town
~2 users reported
Welcome to the video host for offroad.town! This instance is dedicated to Off-Road media content!