Fediverse | Servers | Members
Ons Bos
~4 users reported
Mastodon-server van Johan en Laura. Verwacht veel foto's van planten en dieren.
Ken je ons, en wil je hier een account? Laat het dan aan Johan weten.
Onward They Go
~1 users reported
Just the two of us on an adventure and exploring the world.
Oogy Club
~4 users reported
OoIS for SMJ
~1 users reported
A small instance for generally personal usage, email me if you want to join.
~4 users reported
JJB’s personal activitypub server
Oomfie Sharkey!
~10 users reported
Just your usual Sharkey server, hosted by a bird, administered by a few folks, and open to everyone!
Shares the same (very basic) Terms Of Services//Code of Conduct as oomfie.city
oomfie world
~7 users reported
une petite instance privée principalement francophone.
Oomfie ☆ City!!
~77 users reported
"Typical twitter users, only interested in consumerist pleasure and being totally unprincipled."
Runs on (a barely modified fork of) Chuckya!
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
~2 users reported
Single user instance 😸
Oops! All Gay!
~6 users reported
Oops! All Gay!
~3 users reported
Oort Cloud
~0 users reported
Icarus died without regrets
~7 users reported
OOUR (Osnovna Organizacija Udruženog Rada / Basic Organization of Associated Labor) was, as the name suggest, a legal concept from the early '70s that defined the smallest unit of economic endeavor in Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia. Multiple OOURs would form associations that formed bigger companies, sometimes counting hundreds or even thousands of these "basic units" that represented different departments or other organizational points. All of it was truly publicly owned, but the workers comprising OOURs shared the profits and self-governed. This mandate required re-investing into the community, and in the end allowed for a real-world worker-controlled socialist utopia to materialize in Yugoslavia and usher an era of unprecedented prosperity--for a while, until the country's political collapse and war in the early '90s due to an onset of economic troubles that were exploited by jingoists. In any case: better futures are possible.
~1 users reported
Op Reis
~2 users reported
met Mounya & Ted
~1 users reported
Anmut sparet nicht noch Mühe, Leidenschaft nicht noch Verstand, daß ein gutes Deutschland blühe, wie ein andres gutes Land.
Opalstack Social
~1480 users reported
For professionals and brands. Focus on your market, not administration.
~2 users reported
This is a personal fediverse instance, powered by Akkoma.
Open + Curious
~2 users reported
Better conversation
Open Buddhism Archive
~2 users reported
Open Coaster
~329 users reported
A community of coaster and themed entertainment enthusiasts. Coasters, churros, you name it we love it. We also run a number of theme park cross-posting bots. Spam not welcome here.
Open Data Manchester
~12 users reported
Open Data Manchester
Open EdTech
~114 users reported
For anyone interested in Open Education Technology (or any two of those!)