Fediverse | Servers | Members
~5 users reported
A fediverse server for the openbdsm community, by the IT-Syndikat
OpenBeta Forums
~46 users reported
~1644 users reported
Der Einstieg in das Fediverse für Bibliotheksmenschen
~1 users reported
OpenDesktop Social
~1490 users reported
OpenFlowLabs Community Instance
~2 users reported
OpenInfra Foundation Mastodon
~7 users reported
OpenInfra's home in the Fediverse
OpenLab Augsburg
~27 users reported
Ein Raum für Deine Ideen
~2 users reported
Social media owned by you
OpenMedia Edunova
~118 users reported
Un portale per la pubblicazione di video e media digitali di carattere didattico ed educativo.
~1 users reported
~4 users reported
This is a general use server being run by a UK organisation for the benefit of anyone who wants to use it as a home for now. Legal, safe, respectful content from thoughtful contributors welcome.
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
Visualization in a Nutshell
~3 users reported
Openbare databank van pers- en nieuwsberichten
Operation: Puppet
~3 users reported
Our mission: Puppets!
Ophelie Marin- The Excitable Gurelle
~1 users reported
Mental Gymnastics and Cranial Mayhem. Living with a rare Tuberous Sclerosis and Alpha Gal Syndrome, healing from traumatic, disordered family/community systems.
opificina magica aniis
~1 users reported
Opinião do David
~1 users reported
Blog que David Telio Duarte utiliza como registro de memórias sobre assuntos de seu interesse, como esporte, política, cinema, escolas de samba ou qualquer coisa que lhe venha à cabeça.
Opinião do David - Espiritualidade
~1 users reported
Espaço sem fins monetários em que David Telio Duarte posta estudos, interpretações e assuntos relacionados à espiritualidade em geral, tendo como base o Evangelho de Jesus Cristo sob a luz do Espiritismo. O número nas parábolas indica a ordem cronológica em que elas foram proferidas. Em constante atualização.
Opinion Pub
~14 users reported
United States
Opinuendo - A Mastodon Instance for Matthew Reinbold (and friends)
~2 users reported
Öppet Moln
~1 users reported
Öppen mjukvara, webbtjänster, grafik och andra resurser ("open source")
Ops One AG
~5 users reported
~2 users reported
Ópsis (powered by PeerTube), an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.