Fediverse | Servers | Members
~1 users reported
Person die viel redet...
QuasselKopf - Person die viel redet.
~4 users reported
Mastodon ist ein soziales Netzwerk. Es basiert auf offenen Web-Protokollen und freier, quelloffener Software. Es ist dezentral, so wie die E-Mail.
QuasselKopf.de dient zum Micro-Bloggen und bis auf weiteres nur für dessen Betreiber. Eventuell auch in Zukunft für ausgewählte Kontakte. Einladungen werden nicht auf Anfrage erteilt!
Quatroagreen General Construction
~1 users reported
Creating your dream project is our priority. Taking them soaring to new heights is our mission. From the ground to the sky, right before your very eyes.
Que facemos hoxe?
~1 users reported
Un portal web para estar ao día dos eventos, festas e plans deste verán.
Queef Social
~6 users reported
Queef Freely
Queen of scraps: a paper trail
~1 users reported
colourful scraps of papers, fabrics and fibres enrich my life
Queer as Folk
~1522 users reported
QAF (Queer as Folk) sincerely invites the LGBTQIA+ community to join us, where we offer a safe and friendly home.
Queer Books Weekly
~1 users reported
Weekly List of Books of All Genres Featuring Queer Protagonists at Free or Nearly Free Prices Every Tuesday
Queer Coffee Club
~3 users reported
A self-hosted instance created by LGBTQIA+ people to be our home on the FediVerse. Our goal is to connect with other wonderful communities, make friends, and have a good time. This instance is a single user instance for two partners, there are no minors on this instance. Please see our rules for more information.
All original content posted by users of this instance (not including boosts) remains the property of that user and may not be licensed or distributed to any other entity without expressed written permission. Users retain their right to all ownership and deny any copying, sale, transmission, reproduction, license, or other commercial use of any content published on their account unilaterally. Any unauthorized use of content from this instance will be removed within the law of the state of Colorado. Any deviation from these terms must be provided in written agreement solely from the owner of the account. Instances or bots violating this policy will be defederated.
Queer Cyberspace
~1 users reported
A queer cyberspace 🌈😎
Queer Garden
~66 users reported
More queer, more garden.
Queer Hacktivism
~15 users reported
The personal instance of lanodan, with some occasionnal guests
Queer Hartford Mastodon
~3 users reported
A Hartford and Connecticut Mastodon instance
Queer Lexikon Toots
~10 users reported
Die Mastodon-Instanz vom Queer Lexikon e.V., hier tröten die Teammitglieder vom Queer Lexikon, meistens privat
Queer Media Rainbow
~1 users reported
queer solutions by blahaj
~6 users reported
This is a small instance for me and my friends for now. If you know me and want an account here contact me at @kenakapheus@chaos.social
Queer Spirituality Social
~12 users reported
A safe space for LGBTQ+ people and primarily for those interested in discussion various facets of queer spirituality.
queer witch lieu
~4 users reported
very cool instance
~13 users reported
A Mastodon instance that caters to queer devs and STEM folks. A small community but happy to welcome good people.
~1 users reported
queere Selbstorganisation in Bayern: Aktionsplan!
~10 users reported
QueerFedi.com is an LGBTQ-friendly social network. This is a SAFE SPACE for LGBTQ+ adults, although non-queer adults and allies are welcome. This site runs Sharkey, a fork of Misskey, and is part of the greater Fediverse/ ActivityPub network of servers. You must be at least 18 years old to register an account and to use this service. This server, and your data, is located in Europe.
The posting of CSAM/CSEM (real or not) will not be tolerated and inviduals posting such material will be immediately reported to the authorities and their accounts removed.
This server blocks Meta's threads.net due to its refusal to fact-check and moderate harmful posts on its platform.
QueerUferlos 92.4 - Das queere Radio auf Lora München
~6 users reported
Die queere Redaktion auf Radio Lora 92,4 München
~6913 users reported
Querdenken-711: Für Freiheit, Frieden und Wahrheit.
Quest - Livello Segreto
~43 users reported
L'aggregatore di eventi di livellosegreto.it
Questions de langue
~1 users reported
Principes de grammaire française