Fediverse | Servers | Members
~13 users reported
mkg's Mastodon
~6 users reported
~2 users reported
A single-user instance for mkj.
~1 users reported
mldchan social
~21 users reported
mldchan social is a personal instance for mldchan and her friends. Anyone invited by her is welcome here :3 >///////////
Maciej's Mastodon
~1 users reported
The MNH48 Social Media
~8 users reported
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server
~9 users reported
Mochi Academy 🍡
~46 users reported
Serveur personnel et avec des ami.e.s.
~1 users reported
Modest Mastodan
~6 users reported
a private mastodon instance for modest people
~5 users reported
~1 users reported
Moekyun Social/萌えキュンきー
~4 users reported
Welcome to Moekyun Social, a general instance for whatever it is that you enjoy. Hope you enjoy your stay! 萌え萌えキュン~
~1 users reported
Social Mojo
~3 users reported
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server
~4 users reported
Social server for Mollejuo Software
Moment - Instanz der Vielen
~136 users reported
Social.moment.at ist eine Mastodon-Instanz für die Vielen. Powered by Momentum Institut, dem ökosozialen Think Tank der Vielen und Herausgeber des Moment Magazins.
Mondoweiss Social
~3 users reported
News & Analysis for People Taking Action for Palestine.
Monkey's Thumb Mastodon
~1 users reported
A server for Monkey's Thumb
~6 users reported
A Pleroma instance, an alternative fediverse server
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
just neel's single-user fedi server
Mont Céleste
~5 users reported
Un petit serveur pour moi, et ceux qui le souhaitent !
~2 users reported
During the preparation phase for the love-binding, the priestess met with both supplicants separately, asking them to reveal their true natures and then casting a spell over them so that Eilistraee could verify if the truth was told. Then she questioned both supplicants' love for their partner, their motives, and willingness to serve Eilistraee "in truth". Then the priestess called Eilistraee's attention onto the couple; the goddess made her attention known by making the priestess's eyes glow silver (she became "moon-eyed").