Fediverse | Servers | Members
Trains (un)official
~3 users reported
Trains & Queers
Tra le pagine del tempo
~1 users reported
Esplora l'infinito, una pagina alla volta!
~16 users reported
Agenda dels moviments socials de les terres gironines
Marcel Schindler
~1 users reported
Musikproduktion, Linux, Politik, Retrokram
Trend Spin News
~1 users reported
Ink Unveils Truth: Where Every Headline Tells a Story.
~1 users reported
Allt om träning, hälsa och kost
~1 users reported
The Tranquil Vintessa
~1 users reported
Everyday Musings + Lifestyle Tips
~8 users reported
trans enby town! a cute & private instance for queer friends
The Trans Garden 🌸
~10 users reported
A semi-private Sharkey instance for me and friends :3
(held together with screws and ducktape)
Trans House
~56 users reported
A server specifically made for and run by the trans community!
Transcription Services | Translation Services | Subtitling
~8 users reported
Transcription services, translation services, subtitling services and live captioning services
Trans denver
~15 users reported
A server for trans women/femmes out of Colorado.
~1 users reported
"Los derechos no se plebiscitan ni se negocian, se defienden y se ejercen"
~4 users reported
Yet another instance ran by a trans girl in her bedroom, how original.
TransFem Space
~1939 users reported
TransFem Space: A safe space for TransFem individuals and allies. Together, we build a stronger community!
Everyone is welcome as long as a signup reason is given. It should be a minimum of 1-2 sentences about you and why you're interested in our instance. An example: "I'm queer and I'd like to try out sharkey".
Banner Image made by @Gingeh@tech.lgbt
Transfeminine Art
~8 users reported
Artistically queer.
ERLAS Transfer
~0 users reported
Secure data exchange
~1 users reported
The 7 Thunders - The Revelation of Jesus Christ
Мастерская внутренних трансформаций.
~1 users reported
Здесь вы найдёте интересные статьи, посты и видео на разнообразные темы: от полезных привычек и мотивации до вдохновения в жизни.
~19 users reported
~702 users reported
Trans Girl Café
~87 users reported
The friendly Trans Girl Café is a safe space for members of the trans, nonbinary and queer comunity.
Feel free to join!
Logo by @spacetofu
identitats trans ATC llibertat
~1 users reported
"Celebrem la diversitat i donem suport a la visibilitat trans per construir un món més inclusiu i respectuós per a tots!"
~3 users reported
a garden for friends to learn and create 🌳