Fediverse | Servers | Members
Futter mit Liebe
~1 users reported
Veranstaltungen rund um Dein Haustier
~1 users reported
All the Gnieh related events
~221 users reported
~50 users reported
Mobilizon Instanz der NETZBEGRÜNUNG – Verein für grüne Netzkultur e.V.
~4 users reported
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iJUG Events
~19 users reported
Iridescent Events - Mobilizon Instance
~5 users reported
This is a place to promote events related to Aotoearoa that involve open & inclusive participation and sharing. Things like data, software, hardware, groups, civil society, community action, and other activities for the good of our shared communities and broader society.
Kassels Nachtleben
~1 users reported
events.kassel.social ist ein offener Eventkalender für Kassel und Nordhessen, der lokale Veranstaltungen außerhalb von META & Co im Internet und Fediverse zugänglich und teilbar macht.Jeder kann über + eine Veransltung hinzufügen!
~48 users reported
Gruppen und Events für Büchermenschen
Louisville Tech Events
~4 users reported
Technology focused events and meetups for the Louisville community
Magnificent Events - Mobilizon Instance
~1 users reported
We promote public events in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Mareks Veranstalltungssammlung
~2 users reported
Hier teile ich Veranstaltungen aus Kassel un der Region die für teilenswert halte.
~1 users reported
OERu Events - Mobilizon Instance
~1 users reported
Open, decentralised, community-driven educational events for learners and educators alike.
Events in and around Luxembourg
~1 users reported
A Mobilizon test instance to see how it works
Peopleverse Events
~4 users reported
Find and create events.
XR Global Support Events
~8 users reported
Events and trainings organised by XR Global Support
Communautés techniques rennaises
~884 users reported
Breizhcamp & friends events
~8 users reported
Ein unabhängiger Mitmach-Kalender für das Rhein-Main Gebiet.
~4 users reported
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Der Schürzens Privattermine
~10 users reported
Terminorganisation für Jakob und befreundete Organisationen
HomePage alifeee's Sheffield events bot
~0 users reported
events in sheffield. context. source!
Silex events
~6 users reported
Welcome to Silex community events!
Join us in shaping the future of Silex. Your ideas and feedback are crucial in guiding our development journey. This platform is where we come together to foster free/libre and community-driven innovation.
Your involvement is key to our collective success. Let’s create a more powerful and user-centric Silex, together!
Bienvenue aux événements de la communauté Silex !
Rejoignez-nous pour façonner l’avenir de Silex. Vos idées et vos commentaires sont cruciaux pour guider notre parcours de développement. Cette plateforme est l'endroit où nous nous réunissons pour favoriser l'innovation libre et communautaire.
Votre implication est la clé de notre réussite collective. Créons ensemble un Silex plus puissant et centré sur l’utilisateur !
~103 users reported
A friendly general purpose Mobilizon instance from germany.
Todon Events
~14 users reported
Federated events powered by Gancio