Fediverse | Servers | Members
Ministry of Intrigue - Fediverse Outpost
~3 users reported
This is a single-user instance of Mastodon. It is a lonely island upon which only a broken man may set foot. But thanks to the wonders of the internet, it communicates with the fediverse.
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
Aria's Cool Posts
~6 users reported
Aria Salvatrice's personal fediverse instance
~1 users reported
My personal fediverse server. If you know me IRL, i may allow you to join.
Cuddle Corner
~4 users reported
Welcome to Aroy's cozy corner! 🌟 This special place is a little secret hideaway, just for close pals and those with truly magical stories. Registrations are as rare as finding a four-leaf clover in a field of daisies, but if you happen to stumble upon a golden invitation, consider yourself one of the luckiest critters in the forest! 🌳🍄
Arutaz Fedihome
~1 users reported
Arutaz Fedihome
~1 users reported
~3 users reported
Mastodon Instanz für Österreich
~596 users reported
Der Mastodon Fediverse Server für Österreich.
~1 users reported
the tomohole
~6 users reported
escape was once possible...
The Dark COA
~23 users reported
The Dark Side of COA
~1 users reported
my own personal corner of the fediverse. hello people!
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
Bobadin Fediverse
~6 users reported
Bobadin è il progetto di un carpentiere dell'informatica¹ che si è appassionato al selfhosting.Dopo aver installato vari servizi per me e per gli amici ho aperto questa istanza GoToSocial per gioco, ma poi mi ci sono affezionato.Non è più un test, è la mia nuova casa nel fediverso.Istanza aperta a chi vuole provare l'esperienza di #GoToSocial.Non sono federato con Threads/Meta#ThisIsTheWay¹ Questa è di Ndo
~1 users reported
Bratcats Imperium
~1 users reported
The official social castle for the Bratcats community!
~1 users reported
Bungle 2
~3 users reported
Bungle 2.0
ByeCorps Fedi
~11 users reported
Welcome to the official instance for ByeCorps!
This instance is not open outside of ByeCorps services and employees.
Please find another instance if you wish to join the fediverse.
ByeCorps Fedi は一般公開されていません。 別の Misskey インスタンスを見つけてください。
~4 users reported
~1 users reported
~2 users reported