Fediverse | Servers | Members
~8 users reported
Friendica Kestrel's Nest Edition
~2 users reported
Kith Social
~2 users reported
Friendica Social Network
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
~22 users reported
~2 users reported
Friendica Social Network
~1 users reported
Friendica Social Network
~2 users reported
SPS Alumni & Friends
~3 users reported
il Social per la mia Famiglia
~2 users reported
Ciao, questa è la mia istanza friendica - ho limitato l'utilizzo alla mia famiglia. Buona giornata e buon software libero a tutti !
~420 users reported
friendica.me is hosted in Germany. Like other nodes, we welcome anyone with good intentions. You can freely invite your friends and interact with other social networks.
Le Réseau Social Mes Numériques
~142 users reported
Mes Numériques a pour ambition de promouvoir l'auto-hébergement de services web à domicile au détriment de services payants/faux gratuits irrespectueux de la vie privée.
Serveur mis à disposition pour tous.
Mes Numériques aims to promote self-hosting of web services at home to the detriment of paid/fake free services that are disrespectful of privacy.
Server made available to everyone.
Friendica MGTOW
~1 users reported
My Friend Network
~27 users reported
Minecloud Social Network
~2 users reported
MrPetovan's Friendica
~5 users reported
Test 2
Multisum Friendica Netzwerk
~2 users reported
My Social Portal's Friendica Social Network
~54 users reported
This is a general Friendica server owned/run by My Social Portal LLC. It is hosted out of the United States. While registration is open all registration requests are manually reviewed before acceptance.
~24 users reported
Porušování zákonů České republiky není dovoleno.
Udělám vše, co je v mých silách, abych tuto instanci udržel funkční. Přesto běh tohoto serveru není zaručen. Svá data si zálohujte!
Pokusně jsem otevřel registraci bez schvalování.
Vyhrazuji si právo smazat účty, které nadměrně vytěžují server nebo propagují jakékoli ideologie.
Účty neaktivní alespoň 6 měsíců budou smazány.
Violation of the laws of the Czech Republic is not allowed.
I will do my best to keep this instance up and running. However, the running of this server is not guaranteed. Back up your data!
I tried to open the registration without approval.
I reserve the right to delete accounts that overtax the server or promote any ideologies.
Accounts inactive at least 6 months will be deleted.
Naturists Friendica Social Network
~2 users reported
Do you use Facebook but hate their dark-ages attitudes to the human body?
You've found the right server
Friendica Social Network
~2 users reported
nthomas20's Friendica Site
~2 users reported
n/x Friendica
~2 users reported
Friendica NZ
~6 users reported
This server is intended for NZ Users only. This site is hosted on a private Fibre connection in NZ using Dynamic DNS.