Fediverse | Servers | Members
~46 users reported
Dein neues Zuhause im Fediverse!
Wir wollen der Ort sein, wo ihr euch Zuhause fühlt.
Wir sprechen hauptsächlich Deutsch und Englisch.
Ihr wolltet schon immer mal Iceshrimp ausprobieren? Dann fühlt euch hier sehr wilkommen.
Jeder ist willkommen, aber Nazis müssen draußen bleiben.
Diese Instanz wird auf der selben Infrastruktur wie vaultwarden.net betrieben. (Schaut da auch mal vorbei, wenn ihr wollt). Uptime kann ich leider nicht garantieren, da es sich hierbei um ein Freizeitprojekt von mir handelt
We want to be the place where you feel at home.
We mainly speak German and English.
Have you always wanted to try Iceshrimp? Then feel very welcome here.
Everyone is welcome, but Nazis must stay outside.
This instance is operated on the same infrastructure as vaultwarden.net. (Have a look there too if you want)
Uptime cannot be guarranteed as this is a freetime project
Iceshrimp im Flauschbereich
~2 users reported
Eine kleine Testinstanz, nur für mich.
Fynh's Iceshrimp
~3 users reported
Dies ist meine kleine, private Iceshrimp-Instanz.
Keil-Connect Iceshrimp Server
~3 users reported
Persönlicher Server der Familie Keil. Hier gibt es keine Möglichkeit, sich zu registrieren.
Tenkuu Social
~5 users reported
A small server for friends
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
The Official Community Hub and Support Forum for GNU Taler Integration
ichiji.social / 一次創作好きのためのMastodonサーバー
~4205 users reported
~263 users reported
Fate Grand/Order の柳生但馬守宗矩にドはまりした人々のためのインスタンス。「こっちに一如して」という某氏の鳥での名言を噛み締めていたらドメインが取れることに気づいてしまったので作った
サービスの継続・データ保全に努めますが、個人で運営しているため保証はできないことをあらかじめご承知おきください。メンテナンスの際は管理用アカウントの@munenoryにてアナウンスします。その他、何かサイトに問題があれば@numnumspellまたはtwitter: @numnumspellまでご連絡ください。
~1 users reported
~86 users reported
The International Conspiracy of Mad Scientists Tootal Distribution Network
~~ pretty much just a test instance, really, though I may decide to do something with it ~~
~5 users reported
This is the Mastodon instance for #IronChefOfMusic
See the remix RULES AND FAQ on https://ironchefofmusic.com and follow the remix threads on https://icom.lol :]
~4 users reported
~2 users reported
~893 users reported
Icosahedron.website is a mastodon instance and part of the ActivityPub network / the Fediverse.
intensive cuddle unit
~3 users reported
~5 users reported
~8 users reported
A fun little Sharkey instance for Nune and eir friends! Nazis, transmisics, pedophiles, and pro-shippers are not welcome here.
Federation Policy
~19 users reported
small is.net instance for me and my friends • check out the info page: https://icy.maxy.top/info/
~2 users reported
Welcome to icy.uwu.bar. This is a small iceshrimp.net instance I mostly host for myself and interested friends. :3
~4 users reported
An Iceshrimp.NET instance
~1722 users reported
Mastodon is a social network based on open web protocols and free, open-source software. It is decentralized like e-mail.
~2 users reported
~1 users reported
My server but some folks are allowed.
ID10T Blog
~1 users reported