Fediverse | Servers | Members
Irish Language matters
~1 users reported
A blog about language issues
Irish Left With Ukraine - Neither Moscow nor Washington
~1 users reported
Ireland Fought for Freedom against an Empire - Now we on the Irish Left Support Ukraine's Fight for Freedom
~1 users reported
~7 users reported
xvrqt federation
Iron Cloud
~0 users reported
Stay Sharp
The Ferrous Scrolls
~2 users reported
An American werewolf in Zion.
~3 users reported
~1 users reported
A weekly-ish email to my internet friends
~8 users reported
Private instance for my friends and I.
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
Irrsinn.life is a single-person instance of Mastodon that tends to be talk of video games and game design, politics, queerness, and various creative projects.
~2 users reported
taking joy in human unreason
Good Vibeos
~3 users reported
Good Vibeos is a PeerTube instance run by Melissa Avery-Weir.
I'm a cat!
~17 users reported
~6 users reported
for people who are quite gay
~16 users reported
Horrific.Dev Mastodon
~2 users reported
A tiny Mastodon instance for Horrific.Dev and friends :3
~3 users reported
~1 users reported
Aaron Smith
~4 users reported
This instance set up just for one person, but you don't have to make one for yourself. Visit https://joinmastodon.org/ to find the instance that's right for you.
~2 users reported
IceShrimp server for a cute cat :3
Let's see how long this stays a single user instance...
Computers Bad
~19 users reported
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
~4 users reported
don't believe everything you see and hear!
~2 users reported
A single user instance, just for me :).
Extremely Cute
~1 users reported
Invite only, please contact any of mods/admins if you want one.
Только по приглашениям, мяукните кому-нибудь из главных, если вам нужно приглашение.