Fediverse | Servers | Members
Mastodon @ SUNET
~476 users reported
Mastodon @ SUNET is a public Mastodon instance operated by the Academic Computer Club in Umeå. Välkommen!
Majority of posts in English and Swedish, but we welcome language diversity!
Mastodon @ UMU
~26 users reported
Access Information News
~1 users reported
The official Mastodon server of Access Information News. The world's #1 online resource for current news and trends in access information.
~34 users reported
~1201 users reported
This server is generally intended to provide a trustworthy space for computing professionals from around the world to connect and engage with each other in a meaningful way.
~1 users reported
persoonlijke blogsite van Bart Vrancken (adagia.eu)
~10 users reported
~1 users reported
~12 users reported
Invitation only mastodon server.
~1 users reported
Instance personnelle de Mastodon destiné aux utilisateurs d'adorsaz.ch
~3 users reported
~2 users reported
~374 users reported
Mastodon.Africa is run by South Africans, for South Africans, Africans and everybody else looking for a friendly and welcoming Mastodon instance.
AfroMunkee Live!
~2 users reported
mastodon.afromunkee.live is part of the decentralized social network powered by Mastodon.
~2 users reported
~15 users reported
Mostly a automated server
The Home of One.
~3 users reported
Just a single-user instance set up for myself, because self-hosting is important to me.
AiOO's Mastodon
~1 users reported
AiOO의 마스토돈 서버
Airi's Mastodon
~2 users reported
A not-yet-official mastodon instance for Airi, originally launched as a late night joke, but is now operated with Airi's permission.
~1 users reported
An experiment.
~1 users reported
~69 users reported
~2 users reported
akops Mastodon
~7 users reported
akxnet.de Mastodon
~2 users reported
Ein Mastodon-Server für eine kleine, "invite-only" Benutzergruppe.