Fediverse | Servers | Members
~1 users reported
Instancia Personal de Mastodon de [^BgTA^]
~6 users reported
Inclusion.cc is a network for inclusive projects. We offer accounts for projects and individuals in the fields of empowering and independent living of people with disabilities, as well as disability s
~7 users reported
Incognitus is a small community of technical folk originating from the UK. This server aims to be their Mastodon home.
~26 users reported
Indie Games Mastodon
~21 users reported
A home on the fediverse for indie game projects, studios, or developers!
~3 users reported
Welcome to IndieGamesDevel Mastodon, your hub for conversations, discussions, and news about the world of indie and AAA video games.
~24 users reported
~5 users reported
Infinity Bear Designs
~1 users reported
Information-Document-Documentation Mastodon
~33 users reported
Cette instance de Mastodon est un espace de collaboration et d'échange dédié aux acteurs (étudiant.e.s.; professionnel.le.s; chercheur.ices) des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques.
~3 users reported
~1 users reported
~2 users reported
~4 users reported
An experimental server just for the Inman family
~2 users reported
~4 users reported
~11 users reported
~2 users reported
~1 users reported
~229 users reported
Server by @cleatsandcode's business Isitmeanttodothat.io. Keep it friendly, insulting Gallybagger will get you banned, probably.
Banner photo: https://unsplash.com/@lison
Ir0kodon (mastodon.ir0k.de)
~4 users reported
Privater Server / Standort Deutschland / Bildung / Gaming / Free & Open Software
iriseden Mastodon
~11138 users reported
Instance Mastodon hébergée en France chez OVH (AS16276) et maintenue par @iriseden. Vos données ne seront jamais partagées à qui que ce soit et sont sauvegardées tous les jours. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes, les sujets sont libres tant que vous respectez les quelques conditions. Vous pouvez aussi vous inscrire sur mon instance Peertube ou une autre :)
~1 users reported
マストドンサーバー of いろは, by いろは, for いろは
~22 users reported
Sleepy Internet Users
~5 users reported
A place for perpetually sleepy internet users to tinker and interact with friends. Furries, hackers, and artists alike can rest here to hold the eebies at bay.