Fediverse | Servers | Members
Yourein's Notebook
~9 users reported
Post Affect!
~10 users reported
Post Affect! - Mastering Social, Maximizing Success.
~6 users reported
Postcapitalist Assemblages
~1 users reported
A thesis in progress
~2 users reported
Postcards from Japan
~1 users reported
blogging from Japan for 6 weeks
HomePage Old Film Posters
~0 users reported
Posters for movies at least fifty years old. Reel Cinema.Banner and icon are stills from Man With a Movie Camera (Человек с киноаппаратом, 1929).This is a bot account with bot Activity Pub software. Interactions may behave oddly. All typos belong to @elithebearded@fed.qaz.red
~1 users reported
~7 users reported
The Post Mines
~7 users reported
Thee Dumbgeoneers Yearn For The Mines
~3 users reported
Posting Experts
~2 users reported
This Sharkey instance is a general-ish instance for those who are technically-inclined, queer, furries, shitposters, and the ilk.
This instance uses Mutant Standard emoji, which are licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License.
blobfox, neofox, and neocat emoji by @volpeon@is-a.wyvern.rip
~1 users reported
Posting is Incredibly Gay
~32 users reported
We're posters. We're gay. Incredibly gay, one might say. And we're a part of the Website League.
~38 users reported
but what better place for us than this?
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
Coses que escric en permanent beta fins que digui el contrari.
~2 users reported
Social media owned by you
~65 users reported
“I am in the world to change the world.” —Kathe Kollwitz A home base for like-minded progressive folks to land in the #TwitterMigration: people who believe in liberation, racial justice, and structural change. We call this a Party in the sense that it's a Big Tent that covers people no matter what their specific interests are.
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
~12 users reported
AuthenticWV is a community of West Virginians.
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
posts from clayton the human