Fediverse | Servers | Members
~6581 users reported
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~6550 users reported
PeerTube it, è il sito italiano della federazione (ActivityPub) delle piattaforme di video streaming che usano la tecnologia P2P (BitTorrent) utilizzandola direttamente nel tuo browser con WebTorrent e Angular.
Action Éducative
~6508 users reported
Cette instance Peertube est mise à disposition par le Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports.
~6496 users reported
Kookie é onde as comunidades se encontram para trocar ideias - sempre com respeito - sobre tudo, desde assuntos essenciais do momento até as próximas tendências. Não importa qual seja o seu interesse, aqui você pode seguir e se conectar com amigos, influenciadores e tópicos favoritos.
~6380 users reported
We're a server for people who like bikes, transit, and walkable cities. Let's get to know each other!
~6360 users reported
If you are interested in the Ruby programming language, come join us! Tell us about yourself when signing up.
If you just want to join Mastodon, another server will be a better place for you.
~6354 users reported
Metapixl - a Pixelfed instance
~6326 users reported
~6263 users reported
vis.social is a community for creative people, especially anyone in SciArt, SciComm, data, visualization, creative coding, and related arts and research. English is the shared language.
~6224 users reported
Furry focused instance for critters that like to bark!
LGBTQ+ run and friendly, active moderation
~6135 users reported
~6060 users reported
Literature, philosophy, film, music, culture, politics, history, architecture: join the circus of the arts and humanities! For readers, writers, academics or anyone wanting to follow the conversation.
~5949 users reported
PeerTube instance of p2p.legal/Axiom-Team organisations
The Union Place
~5867 users reported
The Union Place: a federated server for union members, organizations, friends, and allies. If you support labor and labor rights, you have a place here!
~5793 users reported
Tämä on ihmisille tarkoitettu suomenkielinen Mastodon-instanssi, jota moderoidaan aktiivisesti.
~5729 users reported
fediscience.org is a social network for scientists run by FediScience e.V., an international association dedicated to promoting scientific communication.
~5726 users reported
~5726 users reported
Metalhead.club is a Mastodon instance hosted in Germany and powered by 100% green energy.
PeerTube Uno Italia - Video Streaming italiano libero e federato
~5713 users reported
PeerTube Uno Italia è la più importante piattaforma video italiana della rete peertube, è un progetto no-profit indipendente federato a migliaia di siti video peertube in tutto il mondo e federato con il fediverso e quindi anche con mastodon.
~5695 users reported
~5653 users reported
Safe and free-for-all hang out space without hate, discrimination, operated by YuruVerse / YuruVerse에 의해 운영되는 혐오와 차별이 없는 자유로운 대화 공간.
~5620 users reported
This is the home page of Stéphane Gagné.
~5537 users reported
~5488 users reported
Mastodon.eus euskara eta euskal kulturaren komunitatearentzat sortutako Mastodon instantzia bat da.
2018an hauek sortua: Azkue Fund, Dinahosting, iametza, Laborategia.eus, PuntuEUS eta Talaios Koop
Sciences & Technologies
~5479 users reported
Cette instance Peertube est mise à disposition par le Ministère de l'Éducation Nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports.