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~29 users reported
unstable.systems Mastodon (Glitch Edition)
~29 users reported
This is unstable.systems, a general-purpose invite-only Mastodon instance. We'll always be pretty small, and we hope to be a comfortable instance to be on.
𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖑 📣
~29 users reported
Established in 2010 as a pro-active reaction to everything that is broken in the music-industry, Basspistol is an endlessly evolving union for the Underground Artists of the third millenium carrying the values of the Creative Commons. We believe in Music. The underground is dead, Long Live the Underground!
Sea, Swallow Me
~29 users reported
The Ghost Has No Home
~29 users reported
Evènements artistiques en circuit court.
Dcomms Rivne Mastodon
~29 users reported
Рівненський інстанс є частиною https://dcomm.net.ua
українські локальні інстанси Mastodon були розгорнуті в 9 українських містах у серпні-вересні 2022 року.
~29 users reported
Safe place for people that love model railroad and Model Scenery products
~29 users reported
~29 users reported
~29 users reported
La pire instance PeerTube.
( shakespeare's language translation : worst peertube instance ).
ONLY family, friends or benevolents around free software.
~29 users reported
~29 users reported
An instance for anarchist furries and cybernetic weirdos. Come on in!
1. Absolutely no bigotry of any kind.
2. CW All NSFW media.
3. No minors (sorry but there's kink-related emotes)
4. CW Upsetting topics (serious politics, current events, etc.)
5. No sexualization of minors (fictional or real)
6. No defense of fascism, the right wing, or reactionary politics
7. Absolutely no nationalism (yes, even supposedly "left wing" nationalism)
8. Don't get the server in trouble.
Pikseliais Ištaškyta Siena
~29 users reported
~29 users reported
MiLLL Mastodon
~29 users reported
This is a server sponsored by Samoa's Ministry for Education, Sport, and Culture (MESC) as part of the MESC innovative Lifelong Learning Lab.
~29 users reported
~29 users reported
R2 :: mastodon
~29 users reported
Sign up? Visit home.social!
~29 users reported
TIVIA ry on suomalainen ohjelmisto- ja viestintätekniikan ammattilaisten yhteisö. Olemme vasta aloittelemassa askeleitamme mastodon-maailmassa ja toimimme pienellä instanssilla kutsuperusteisesti.
FOSSDLE Social - Mastodon
~29 users reported
Hosted by the OER Foundation as part of the FOSSDLE initiative. Home for open educators wanting to collaborate on a better, open, benevolent, equitable digital future for higher education.
~28 users reported
friendica.utzer.de Social Network
~28 users reported
~28 users reported
Eine Instanz für Punk.
Bands, Labels, Leute, Läden...
Gioca Giuè
~28 users reported
Il blog di videogiuochi che non stavate aspettando altro
~28 users reported
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