Fediverse | Servers | Members
Root Access
~23 users reported
Welcome to Root Access! We are a community hackerspace and makerspace in Fresno, CA, and this Mastodon instance is set up for the entire community (not just members of the space) to use.
~23 users reported
Diese Mastodon Instanz ist für Personen aus dem Kreis Plön und umliegender Umgebung gedacht, jedoch sind alle willkommen.
~23 users reported
A mastodon instance for the mile high city. Any human is welcome to join. (Signups have to be manually approved to cut-down on spam.)
snake.club - Mastodon
~23 users reported
Welcome to 🐍.club! This is a friends-only Mastodon server hosted by Stephen (@brenns10). You're probably here because some dude named Stephen told you that Elon Musk sucks and you should get a Mastodon account. Please be nice while you're here, don't be spammy, and we'll get along great.
(Please note that we are not in any way affiliated with any NFT going by a similar name to this domain.)
~23 users reported
Diese Mastodon-Instanz wird von der Univention GmbH betrieben.
~23 users reported
Way Too Much Info!
~23 users reported
~23 users reported
The Digital Nomads Fediverse Community
~23 users reported
~23 users reported
Smugly Cats Moe Moe
~23 users reported
Bienvenue sur smugcat.moe !
Une instance permettant d'avoir des discussions et des échanges sur la culture geek, nippone et la tech, avec des gens sympas et dans le plus grand respect possible.
~23 users reported
Tube, a video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent and Angular.
Running Café
~23 users reported
A friendly, inclusive instance for runners and members of the running community.
~23 users reported
The Alico Nexus
~23 users reported
Welcome to the Alico Nexus, a small Sharkey instance hosted in France for a few queer leftists located mostly in Europe.
Currently invite only.
~23 users reported
秘密結社 lejaua6 是一个旨在倒立的泛 ACG 简体中文 Mastodon 实例。现在,本实例采取熟人开放制。你可以申请元老院批准,以加入本实例。当然,你需要遵守结社元老院制定的公约,并提供足够详细的申请理由。即便如此,你的申请也可能被以任意理由拒绝。
You Have Writes! Friendica Service
~23 users reported
Write.as Development
~23 users reported
Simple, privacy-focused blogging platform.
~23 users reported
git clone https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey -b develop
~23 users reported
TodonTube is powered by PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
The Dark COA
~23 users reported
The Dark Side of COA
tupambaeOrg [stable]
~23 users reported
Ocean Planet 【Sharkey】
~23 users reported
こちらは、科学好きな日本語話者向けのサーバー「Ocean Planet」です。Firefishサーバー「Aurora Planet」の姉妹サーバーになります。
アイコンのライセンスは[CC 0](https://auroraplanet.blue/notes/9lb9a2bxmz7ayq6o)です。
Not Found画面のアイコン: CC BY-SA 4.0 @dameko0sayama@calckey.jp さん
エラー画面のアイコン: CC BY-SA 4.0 @dameko0sayama@calckey.jp さん
Agenda Rete Appenninica
~23 users reported
Agenda condivisa per l'appennino bolognese.Linee guida qui 👉 reteappenninica.it/linee-guida-per-lagenda
~23 users reported