Fediverse | Servers | Members
~18 users reported
A Mastodon/Fediverse server for the Fairphone community
Sächsische Medien auf Mastodon
~18 users reported
Mit dem Projekt @sachsen-medien.social entsteht eine dezentrale Kommunikationsplattform für sächsische Medien.
IgniteRealtime's Mastodon
~18 users reported
We are a community composed of end-users, developers and service providers around the world who are interested in applying innovative, open-standards-based Real Time Collaboration to the world!
Pouet[.]Space 🌌
~18 users reported
Bienvenue sur Pouet.Space, une petite instance Mastodon française.
~18 users reported
~18 users reported
Freifunk München Social
~18 users reported
social.ffmuc.net ist eine von Freifunk München betriebene Mastodon-Instanz
The VIP Vipers
~18 users reported
A Mastodon instance for Viper's friends, their brand accounts and frequent collaborators.
~18 users reported
Instancia Mastodon para amigos.
~18 users reported
Welcome to the private Mastodon instance of WinslowCloud, owned by Winslow "Tengu Youkai" S.
This server is not available for public registration. Contact i@winslow.cloud for more info.
~18 users reported
~18 users reported
איוונ.תווות.ים הוא אתר לארגון ארועים בפדרציה העברית.
~17 users reported
Owlly's Fedi
~17 users reported
heyo! this is a fedi maintained by a simple teen named owlly!
this is just a simple server for people who like cuteness, relaxing, and hobbies!
(there's an approval system to keep bad people out, but I approve almost everyone! if you are trying to make an account but haven't been approved, dm me on discord [.owlly] I'll approve you immediately! so don't be afraid to make an account ^_^)
Na prostem video
~17 users reported
PeerTube instanca z video posnetki projekta Na prostem
the Timeloop Café
~17 users reported
life raft, detached from the queer anarchist communist cyber pirate ship
~17 users reported
~17 users reported
Wellesley 100
~17 users reported
Test server for wellesley
~17 users reported
Events for the daoine
OKSocial: Morph
~17 users reported
hosted by OKSocial; open to the public
The Giggle Gang
~17 users reported
Welcome to the Giggle Gang!
Rules (will be moved to a dedicated page soon):
1. All posts must comply with US law.
2. Harassing content will be immediately removed and result in permanent suspension.
3. Spam, undesired solicitation, or automated abuse will be removed.
4. All NSFW or graphic content must be appropriately marked.
5. These rules are guidelines, and all moderation decisions are at the sole discretion of the instance owners.
6. Questions or concerns about moderation should be sent to admin@gigglegang.city
Schwartzwelt Amala Terminal
~17 users reported
A fun place run by an absolutely autistic SMT fanatic
~17 users reported
This Mastodon instance is operated by The Counterforce, an initiative to push back against the corporate capture of hardcore punk. No gods, no algorithms.
KPaX Radio
~17 users reported
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