Fediverse | Servers | Members
~16 users reported
Dies ist der AlDi-Server Mastodon Server, auf welchem sämtliche Themen gerne gesehen sind.
~16 users reported
Kinky baguette café
WestVisions Community
~16 users reported
Hier trifft sich die WestVisions Community: Kreative, Nerds, Gründer und andere Digital Natives aus dem Ruhrgebiet & Umgebung
~16 users reported
Wir sind das Medienzentrum Frankfurt und betreiben diesen Server für hessische Lehrkräfte
~16 users reported
Kwick (Eigenschreibweise KWICK!) war eine Online-Community mit Sitz in Weinstadt (Baden-Württemberg).
Dieser Server hat damit nichts zu tun.
~16 users reported
~16 users reported
~16 users reported
Transneptodon is a community for people who like stories, games, games about stories, stories about games, probably also computers, cooking, language, and definitely social justice!
~16 users reported
This is the Eugene Weekly Mastodon server.
BibleTalk - Christian and Jewish Community
~16 users reported
Biblical community of christian and jewish people who enjoy new friends and fellowship. Share and converse with people on the worldwide fediverse network.
PD Social
~16 users reported
Ein Instanz für konstruktiven Austausch. Für das Team von Perspective Daily.
~16 users reported
Der Server richtet sich an Personen die Alpakas mögen...und die ich (@hyggesalpaka) kenne, um sicher zu stellen, dass keine Lama liebenden Menschen sich hier verirren!
~16 users reported
Fediverse Server of the TYPO3 Association
~16 users reported
A modular open source framework to model energy supply systems
~16 users reported
A modular open source framework to model energy supply systems
palewire’s Mastodon
~16 users reported
A private Mastodon instance hosted by @palewire
~16 users reported
Please note that this service is for Resistance agents only. Created accounts will be verified before activation. Basic status in the Trustmaster is also required for activation.
~16 users reported
WSTodonは、WSOFTが提供する汎用Mastodonサーバーです。2022年12月のWSOFT AdventWeek 3日目のために解説しました。
~16 users reported
Mastodon offered by SeattleMatrix.org
~16 users reported
The team at https://SeattleMatrix.org wanted to offer a safe online space for all to participate in the Fediverse from the Seattle/PNW Region. NOTE: Regional residency not required.
~16 users reported
Small instance for me and some friends
~16 users reported
telegrafverket.cc är en stängd Mastodon-instans för ett slutet sällskap. Instansen har ingen koppling till, och representerar inte, tidigare eller nuvarande myndigheter eller varumärken.
~16 users reported
~16 users reported
Small furry instance, ran by Halley. Invite-only.
~16 users reported