Fediverse | Servers | Members
~12 users reported
A place where you can meet nice people, or just be alone / 非常随便的社交场所,也可以不社交。
~12 users reported
~12 users reported
Launched for Pride 2021, Geek.gay is a community for LGBT geeks by LGBT geeks. A community designed from the ground up to allow its members to be themselves while exploring their most geeky obsessions
~12 users reported
FPV Social
~12 users reported
Welcome to FPV.Social! Join us to share builds, ask for advice, and connect with others passionate about all things FPV. Seasoned pros and beginners welcome. See you in the skies!
~12 users reported
A Pleroma instance for people interested in metadata about Anime, Manga, and Video Game
~12 users reported
Mastodon.re est un serveur mastodon public réunionnais accessible à toutes et à tous.
~12 users reported
SimpreativeNetwork Relay
~12 users reported
SimpreativeNetwork ActivityPub 릴레이 서버입니다
The Vortex
~12 users reported
This server is for friends and members of The Vortex Night Club, one of the oldest clubs in Second Life.
The Vortex Official Website: https://vortexclub.co.uk/
Mastodon HexIx
~12 users reported
🌐 Mastodon.hexix.de - Der Ort für Tech- und Wissenschaftsfans, PC-Enthusiasten und Programmierer. Tauche ein in die Welt der Technik und Entdeckungen! 🔬🖥️
~12 users reported
~12 users reported
Praxis.Red Hacker House
~12 users reported
#Lansing #Michigan tech collective and #hacker house dedicated to cultivating #prosocial change through #engagement, #entertainment, #education, and #example.
~12 users reported
Mastodon Server of the Institute of Nursing Science @UNIBAS
~12 users reported
Mastodon Server of the Institute of Nursing Science @UNIBAS
~12 users reported
~12 users reported
~12 users reported
This is a limited registration community of like-minded or compatible people and bots.
Jubilife Global Terminal
~12 users reported
An invite-only Mastodon instance geared towards nerdiness and geekery with a mind for social justice. Slightly Pokémon themed. Has a Phanpy mascot!
Moixa Mental
~12 users reported
Col·lectiu d’acció creativa
Oh No. Aw Jeez. Help.
~12 users reported
This is a general purpose hobbyist instance intended for a close friend group of nice people to access the fediverse/activepub. Thank you for your interest.
Momotsuki Square
~12 users reported
“超”素朴で、“ちょ”っと素敵な遊び場を。ももつきゆきやの趣味用Mastodonサーバー、Momotsuki Squareです。
~12 users reported
Not open to the general public. If you have a friend on this server, feel free to ask them about getting an account here.
~12 users reported
Dies ist eine kleine Instanz für Freund*innen von Wurzelmann und wird als Hobby betrieben.