Fediverse | Servers | Members
Lunar place
~11 users reported
Luna's own instance, for Lunas and some friends :3
~11 users reported
Filosofia PEC
~11 users reported
Aprendizajes compartidos de Filosofía
catboy industries
~11 users reported
Akkoma instance hosted in the bay area. Hosted with love.
Atelier du Chat Perché
~11 users reported
mécanique vélo et autogestion
~11 users reported
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
~11 users reported
A social network for you (if you are the guy)
~11 users reported
plock.net part deux
~11 users reported
Osolia Social
~11 users reported
A Mastodon instance exclusively for citizens and residents of the Chiefdom of Osolia.
~11 users reported
Mastodon Indonesia
~11 users reported
Mastodon untuk orang Indonesia (Mastodon for Indonesians).
The Beautiful Questing Beast
~11 users reported
A node for fans of the beautiful questing beast.
Disposable Media
~11 users reported
Art, Music, Games, Life
~11 users reported
Unions Help Refugees
~11 users reported
Związki pomagają uchodźcom
~11 users reported
~11 users reported
3DNS - Tube
~11 users reported
Videostreaming Platform
~11 users reported
We're here and we're queer!
~11 users reported
~11 users reported
A home for leftist people. Nazis and other scum will be blocked.
~11 users reported
~11 users reported
Kissalla on yhdeksän elämää, mutta koiran on pakko mahduttaa seitsemän vuotta yhteen
~11 users reported
This instance is used for testing the latest commits of the Iceshrimp project. It's the official dogfooding instance for the project. You can ask for an invite on the chat server.