Fediverse | Servers | Members
Photo Mode by The Gamer's Tavern
~10 users reported
pichuchen.tw (nodeName)
~10 users reported
A personal website of Pichu Chen.
~10 users reported
Aoharu:Place (청춘:플레이스)
~10 users reported
청춘(靑春)들이 이끌어가는 자유 주제 페디버스(연합우주) 인스턴스 서버입니다.青春が率いる自由な主題のフェディバース上のサーバーです。
Your adolescent Fediverse instance for free talking, with a liberty.
[ since 2024/12/25 ]
!! 무단 크롤링을 통한 AI 학습에 사용 금지 !!
!! AI学習に使用禁止 !!
!! Not for AI training !!
~10 users reported
~10 users reported
We're all about larps, ttrpgs, and all sorts of geekery.
nyanyanyanyanya :3
~10 users reported
nyanya.gay is a Sharkey instance, ran by @dynamyc.
nyanya :3
Status | Terms of Service | Privacy Policy
Bahia.no - A Bahia no Mastodon!
~10 users reported
Bahia.no - aqui, todo mundo é baiano! Se você é baiano de coração e for da paz, também é bem-vindo!
~10 users reported
The World's Most Read Coffee and Espresso Resource
G1 Social
~10 users reported
Akkoma: The cooler fediverse server
Hiya (β)
~10 users reported
Hiya /ˈhaɪjə/ = Hello or Hi
Another personal Misskey instance
(Operated by YUU.NET)
Service Status
DMCA Takedown Requests
Only contents posted by users with "@hiya.moe" in their usernames are managed by this server. If you find infringing materials from users on our server, make sure they are not covered by fair use, then send your takedown requests to this instance's admin email (yu@hiya.moe).
~10 users reported
~10 users reported
Welkom op de Mastodon Server van BIT.
100% Nederlands datacenter in Ede.
Betrouwbare colocatie, cloudservices & hosting.
~10 users reported
Poyu's Buddy
~10 users reported
Welcome to the Fediverse! Are you a Poyu's Buddy?
~10 users reported
privater Server
~10 users reported
~10 users reported
XY-SPACE Mastodon
~10 users reported
Freedom of expression is our slogan! Свобода самовыражения - наш девиз! La liberté d'expression est notre devise ! Sananvapaus on mottomme! Свобода слова - наш девіз! Meinungsfreiheit ist unser Motto!
~10 users reported
GrapTube, c'est la plateforme vidéo de Grap pour y déposer et visionner nos vidéos. Ce site est basé sur le logiciel libre PeerTube.
~10 users reported
~10 users reported
~10 users reported
European Commission on Mastodon
~10 users reported
Mastodon instance managed by the European Commission.
~10 users reported
Make the inventory of your books, share it with your friends and communities into an infinite library!