Fediverse | Servers | Members
~10 users reported
PatraSocial.gr is the ultimate online destination for connecting with friends, discovering events, and engaging with your local community.
~10 users reported
A Mastodon instance maintained by @waltwooton.
ARGH Video Archives
~10 users reported
This is the PeerTube instance of the Academy for Resurrected Games and Holdings (ARGH).
~10 users reported
Alles rund um die Politik
~10 users reported
An instance for leftist firearms enthusiasts. Any content that isn't straight up porn is welcome as well. Obviously, no right-wing stuff.
Khenarthis Rast
~10 users reported
Khenartis Rast. Dies ist ein "Apply Only" Server. Bedeutet: Schreibt warum ihr hier sein wollt.
~10 users reported
~10 users reported
An ordinary place, for not so ordinary people.
~10 users reported
SpaceHorseIndustries - your one-stop shop for all celestial equine needs
~10 users reported
A cozy private Mastodon server for friends and family.
If you are f&f and would like to have an account, get in touch.
An Exchange
~10 users reported
A chill New Mexico based server with a focus on cybersecurity and general usage. It's overly provisioned, if you'd like to join send a request.
Safe Just Space - Doughnut Economists in the Fediverse
~10 users reported
SafeJust.Space: Doughnut Economists in the Fedivese. We're trying to make "rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society" a reality in our locality, aka getting humanity into
PdH | Partei der Humanisten - Mastodon Server
~10 users reported
Kogumuse Mastodon
~10 users reported
Uncharted Ocean
~10 users reported
Courtois Social
~10 users reported
Le serveur est destin茅 脿 la famille Courtois
~10 users reported
A home for storytellers. Artists, authors, actors, scientists, journalists, musicians... anyone and everyone who is driven to use story and narrative to explain, entertain and understand.
~10 users reported
Une instance Mastodon g茅n茅raliste, nous acceptons les inscriptions sur lettre de d茅motivation dans la limites des stocks disponibles.
~10 users reported
~10 users reported
~10 users reported
专砖转 住讜砖讬讗诇 - 专砖转 讛讘讟讞讜谉 讛讞讘专转讬转!
~10 users reported
砖专转 "专砖转" 讛诪讬转讜诇讜讙讬 诪讛谞讬讬谞讟讬讝 讛转讙诇讙诇 诇"专砖转.住讜砖讬讗诇" 讜诪讜驻注诇 讘砖讬讚讜专讬 谞住讬讜谉 注"讬 注讬讚讜 讗诪讬谉 注诐 注讝专讛 诪讬讚讬讚讬诐.
ISAA Mastodon
~10 users reported
Istanza Mastodon ufficiale dell'Associazione ISAA APS (Associazione Italiana per l'Astronautica e lo Spazio).
~10 users reported
~10 users reported