Fediverse | Servers | Members
Fanboys Dot Social
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
social.regenpfeifer.net wird von Hermann J. Eckl betrieben. Es dient hauptsächlich dem Austausch über die Interessengebiete Theologie & Spiritualität, Philosophie, Literatur, Politik & Gesellschaft.
~6 users reported
OUTRÉ -adjective
Passing the bounds of what is usual or considered proper; unconventional; bizarre. A collaboration between @sutehk and @retrogeekz.
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
The internet should be fun, refreshing, and social. We are a general purpose server focused on fostering friendly social interactions.
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
A social platform tailored towards tech enthusiasts and multimedia content creators, however everyone is welcome!
Applied Language
~6 users reported
Anarchist^WCollective individualistic cooperative of concrete, self-oriented will in pursuit of ego (no crabs) code
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
a toot to you, good sir
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
Psycho Dog
~6 users reported
What's better than a prehistoric elephant? A prehistoric elephant and a dog with the zoomies
Puissance Nintendo
~6 users reported
Serveur Mastodon de Puissance Nintendo
Mastodon sur Lovetux.net
~6 users reported
Serveur Mastodon auto-hébergé en France.
Ce serveur est destiné à toutes personnes.
The TARDIS team
~6 users reported
A single-user (for now) instance for TARDIS.guide.
~6 users reported
TMM.CX private server.
The olde Yakshed
~6 users reported
This is a special little place in the Fediverse for a small group of purveyors of finest yak wool.
EPON Compound
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
Just a geek testing out setting up my own Mastodon Server! Here just to have some fun!
~6 users reported
~6 users reported