Fediverse | Servers | Members
~6 users reported
Official Honeybadger.io Mastodon server!
~6 users reported
Welcome to mejia.social - a Mastodon instance for friends and family! Please keep our space safe and family friendly for all.
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
A small Mastodon instance full of squeaky friends.
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
No one can hear you "JAVISST" in space, but you can meme, gossip, rant, spread (fake) news, goof around, and spend quality time here on javisst.space.
~6 users reported
Snug Town
~6 users reported
Private server for a few friends. By invite only. If you'd like an account here, please contact @ducksauz@snug.town. We actively moderate against racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia.
~6 users reported
a personal instance / 自分用のインスタンスです
Team Prism
~6 users reported
Home for stuff from Team Prism
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
Blasmusik zum tröten
~6 users reported
Eine Mastodon-Instanz für Blasmusiker:innen und Blasmusikbegeisterte. Hier darf laut getrötet werden.
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
GrapheneOS Mastodon
~6 users reported
GrapheneOS server for official project accounts and project members.
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
This is the official MikroTik Mastodon Server. Registrations are closed, all members are either Staff or Bots. Feel free to follow us from any Mastodon instance.
Agora Thinktanks Mastodon
~6 users reported
This Mastodon instance is operated by Agora Thinktanks (https://agora-thinktanks.org).
It is currently WIP!
~6 users reported
~6 users reported
Suomalainen Mastodon-palvelin noheville naapurinhenkilöille. Ajellaan mastodonin main-haaraa vaikkei suositellakaan, kiäh.
~6 users reported
The smallest, boutique law interest server in the known fediverse.