Fediverse | Servers | Members
~4 users reported
local internal, no public subscription at this time possible
QuasselKopf - Person die viel redet.
~4 users reported
Mastodon ist ein soziales Netzwerk. Es basiert auf offenen Web-Protokollen und freier, quelloffener Software. Es ist dezentral, so wie die E-Mail.
QuasselKopf.de dient zum Micro-Bloggen und bis auf weiteres nur für dessen Betreiber. Eventuell auch in Zukunft für ausgewählte Kontakte. Einladungen werden nicht auf Anfrage erteilt!
~4 users reported
Asturias.red es una instancia de Mastodon de uso personal.
~4 users reported
~4 users reported
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
~4 users reported
Server setup for friends and family, still a work in progress!
~4 users reported
Mastodon-Instanz zur persönlichen Verwendung, Registrierung ist deaktiviert.
Wireless IoT
~4 users reported
Everything about Wireless IoT
~4 users reported
Eva en Emma's safe space
~4 users reported
We houden het veilig. We houden het prettig. Met jarenlange ervaring met het modereren van een echtemensenforum denken we dat ons dit ook wel moet lukken.
Nondeterministic Computer
~4 users reported
Sunrise Social
~4 users reported
Le Alternative
~4 users reported
La privacy è un diritto.
~4 users reported
The official instance for https://www.objc.io
End Time Believers
~4 users reported
Aware that we're living in the end times, in upside down world, we keep our faith in Christ as we move forward -- encouraging and strengthening one another. Our King Jesus is returning soon.
~4 users reported
This server is dedicated to high school, college, community, and professional marching bands and color guards.
~4 users reported
~4 users reported
Potlatch, potlach, potla.ch? Popotlač potlachání...
~4 users reported
Potlatch ˈpät-ˌlach, potlach or Czech 'potlachání' is a ceremonial feast of the American Indians for distribution of gifts to demonstrate generosity with reciprocation. You give, you get. Potla.ch!
~4 users reported
~4 users reported
~4 users reported
Personal server of Arne Roomann-Kurrik.
~4 users reported
PeerTube, an ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser.
~4 users reported
A private server for use by Guild of Residential Landlords.
Phy’s Castaway Bottles
~4 users reported