Fediverse | Servers | Members
~89 users reported
~89 users reported
Tulsa Social
~89 users reported
Green Country's regional fediverse instance.
~89 users reported
~89 users reported
~88 users reported
For anyone interested in or working in managerial, editorial, rights, design, marketing and publicity positions in the global trade publishing industry, and related organizations and companies.
~88 users reported
☕ Coffee Break 別館
~88 users reported
参加は20歳以上(含精神年齢)Coffee Breakに関係なくどなたでも参加どうぞ
Coffee Break、 珈琲休憩、GAME OVERの姉妹サイトです。ローカルタイムライン、グローバルタイムライン無しの汎用サーバーです。
Coffee Break + 珈琲休憩 + GAME OVER+αのパブリック投稿が流れるバブルタイムラインがあります。
~88 users reported
Starnix is a Fediverse/ActivityPub Focused platform. Topics are mainly Technology and computer related but are not required to fall into those categories.
~88 users reported
Rotes Potsdam ist eine Website zur Ankündigung und Bewerbung von anstehenden Terminen im Großraum Potsdam. Die veröffentlichten Veranstaltungen sind in der Regel nicht kommerziell orientiert. Wir sehen uns als strömungsübergreifende "linke" Terminplattform und distanzieren uns von allen Veranstaltungen, die Unterdrückungsmechanismen jeglicher Art reproduzieren.
~87 users reported
Instancia general
~87 users reported
~87 users reported
Mastodon server for a circle of friends and their friends.
~87 users reported
Putting more women on more stages, and turning up the volume.
~87 users reported
L'actualité africaine par les africains du continent
Corporate Learning Community
~87 users reported
Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Learning & Development aus der Corporate Learning Community
~87 users reported
Internet burnout - Sometimes we speak Lithuanian here. Kalbi lietuviškai?
~87 users reported
Sometimes we speak Lithuanian here. Kalbi lietuviškai?
水咲ちゃんの世界 (新規登録受付中!)
~87 users reported
支援はこちらから : misaki0331.fanbox.cc
Linksjugend ['solid] Social
~87 users reported
Mastodon-Server für Menschen aus dem Umfeld der Linksjugend ['solid]
~87 users reported
I Be Social. You Be Social. Let's all be social.
A safe and fun server. Be Kind, Be Respectful.
Golden rule: Don't be a twat. You will be deleted.
We're proud to be a Sharkey server and fully participate in the Fediverse
Zwenkauer Flaschenpost
~87 users reported
Herzlich Willkommen bei der Zwenkauer Flaschenpost !
Dieser Friendica-Server steht in Zwenkau am See - einer Kleinstadt vor den Toren von Leipzig in Deutschland.
Mit diesem Server möchten wir alle Menschen ermutigen, sich Kommunikationskanäle ausserhalb der grossen Datenkraken zu suchen und ihre Privatsphäre zu bewahren.
Dieser Friendica-Knoten läuft mit dem Stable-Branch.
Welcome to Zwenkau's message in a bottle!
This Friendica server is in Zwenkau am See - a small town at the gates of Leipzig in Germany.
With this server we would like to encourage all people to look for communication channels outside of the big data octopuses and to preserve their privacy.
This Friendica node runs on the stable branch.
~87 users reported
Offizielle PeerTube-Instanz von www.kla.tv
Trans Girl Café
~87 users reported
The friendly Trans Girl Café is a safe space for members of the trans, nonbinary and queer comunity.
Feel free to join!
Logo by @spacetofu
Translunar Academy
~87 users reported
A space colony in a halo orbit at Earth-Moon L2 in the 23rd century.