Fediverse | Servers | Members
BOFH Social
~3 users reported
BOFH.social is a friendly and welcoming social network. This is a SAFE SPACE for marginalized and vulnerable individuals. This site runs Sharkey, a fork of Misskey, and is part of the greater Fediverse/ ActivityPub network of servers. You must be at least 18 years old to register an account and to use this service. This server, and your data, is located in Europe.
The posting of CSAM/CSEM (real or not) will not be tolerated and inviduals posting such material will be immediately reported to the authorities and their accounts removed.
This server blocks Meta's threads.net due to its refusal to fact-check and moderate harmful posts on its platform.
AstroTube UFE
~60 users reported
Instance PeerTube de l'Observatoire de Paris.
~4 users reported
~4 users reported
voer voor gelovigen
Foggyminds Social
~157 users reported
[Registration closed due to US Political Crisis and admin being high-risk]
Small public server hosted on a home system, leftist lgbtqia admin. No tolerance for intolerance.
Open registration (check your spam for registration emails), wide array of addons enabled (if you want one I haven't enabled, just let me know).
Open to small businesses, but advertisement posts must be tagged # advertisement and must otherwise follow good decorum.
Got questions? Hit me up at shiri[at]foggyminds.com or on Matrix at @shiri:beeper.com
~1 users reported
I’m Charles Fitzgerald and this is my blog. I write infrequent, self-referential, overly parenthetical and verbose posts mostly for my own amusement. Stylistically, think a longform version of Twitter.
~3 users reported
My World
~2 users reported
My interpretation of what I see & hear, you may see things differently
~1 users reported
~46 users reported
Coder Dansu
~13 users reported
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server
~1 users reported
‘Tanker og teorier’ af Peter Makholm
~1 users reported
This is the home page of Ralf Berger.
~9 users reported
FireVideo is a tool to drive the video hosting needs of Firehawk-Systems
~4 users reported
~2 users reported
~2 users reported
This is the Grzeca family's private space for sharing photos.
~2 users reported
A PeerTube instance mainly focussed on nature and most especially birds.
Eine PeerTube-Instanz mit Fokus auf Natur und, allem voran, Vögeln.
Tangled Bank Foraging and Fibre Crafts
~1 users reported
Learning about and trying to live lightly on this beautiful planet. The natural world, inclusive bushcraft, evidence-based environmentalism and sustainable living.
~2 users reported
Archiving Random Thoughts
~1 users reported
This is a personal blog that will talk about libraries, archives, and the things inbetween
Stoneking Strategic Communications (SSC)
~1 users reported
Seize the Message
Fat Wallet Refugee
~1 users reported
"...for Fun and Profit..."
~1 users reported
since 2000
Remeieres internacionalistes
~1 users reported
Aliança de remeierxs per la humanitat