Fediverse | Servers | Members
~1 users reported
Planetary science team in Lyon, France
Keine Eile
~1 users reported
Leben im Wohnmobil | Reisen mit dem eigenen Fahrzeug
~2 users reported
Tabletop. Warhammer 40k, Celtos und co.
Réseau Canopé
~124 users reported
Peertube propulsé par Réseau Canopé, établissement public sous tutelle du Ministère de l’Éducation nationale et de la Jeunesse.
A modular open source framework to model energy supply systems
~16 users reported
A modular open source framework to model energy supply systems
Trans-Void Space
~99 users reported
Come shout into the void
萌宅乐园×忧郁偶像的洛可可午宴 Moe Otaku Elysian x Gloomily Idol's Rococo Luncheon
~107 users reported
A Pan-ACG instance. 这是一个中文为主的泛ACG主题的Calckey服务器,欢迎三坑入驻!感兴趣的路人也可以! 欢迎大家分享各种各样的东西,只是另一个分享你生活的地方,讨论话题基本无限制。
Rainbow Lewds
~5 users reported
We are shutting down lewd.lgbt.
Dead Pixel
~262 users reported
Mitarbeiterportal für den Mittelstand
~3 users reported
Unterstützung für alle Mitarbeiter und deren Angehörige von 0 bis 99plus!
~2 users reported
Moppels wonderful and comfy Fediverse Bar
~20 users reported
A place to enjoy the Fediverse, to chat, or just to read - and drink, of course 😉🍻🍷
~5 users reported
Dein Trail Running Blog und Podcast von der Mosel
Frozen Lemmy - A general purpose instance for anything.
~124 users reported
A general purpose instance for anything.
coolviruses.download 🔥🐟
~30 users reported
purrly meownaged mewstance by @split, purrimarily for friends. meow!
RimWorld Gallery
~266 users reported
A non-profit gallery for renders made from Rimworld games, and more
~583 users reported
PodHUBie, ktoré nás prepája
~49 users reported
Prepája nás s prírodou aj s našou prirodzenosťou, prepája nás medzi sebou aj naše zoskupenia - HUBy. Umožňuje nám spoluvytvárať nové a podporovať existujúce HUBy, ktoré nám umožnia plnohodnotne a symbioticky žiť svoje životy a zdieľať svoje záľuby. Umožňuje nám bezpečne zdieľať svoje zručnosti a nadania, čím podporujú život a zdravie nás všetkých. Prepája nás podporujúc a obohacujúc našu odolnosť a rozmanitosť. Symbiotic.planetA.earth ♥ Kopírovanie je prejavom lásky a Symbiocénu
Mania Africa 💎🌍
~2 users reported
✨ News, Sports, Movies, Tech & Lifestyle—Unveil the Stories that Matter with David Mania
~21 users reported
~1 users reported
~1 users reported
Un espace pour Xavier et ses amis
~78 users reported
Pleroma: An efficient and flexible fediverse server
Adventures Untold Co
~2 users reported
Just another WordPress site
Forgejo: Beyond coding. We Forge.
~3 users reported
Forgejo is a self-hosted lightweight software forge. Easy to install and low maintenance, it just does the job.