Fediverse | Servers | Members
~4 users reported
A Mastodon server run by Botany One on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company, a UK charity set up to promote the study of plants.
~6 users reported
Mastodon @ Corq.co
~9 users reported
Ukraine-supporting, LGBTQ-friendly, Mastodon server.
~5 users reported
Raymond Tec
~4 users reported
Taking back the internet from the centralized corporatocracy. Leading by example in the revolution in socially aware and responsible business practices.
Transport Evolved
~5 users reported
Welcome to the official Mastodon Server for the #TransportEvolved team. Only official members of the team will be given accounts here.
Neg9 Mastodon
~5 users reported
~9 users reported
This is a general purpose instance. Feel free to stay. Or don't, it is your decision about which instance you use.
~5 users reported
~6 users reported
a toot to you, good sir
~6 users reported
Unter Affen
~11 users reported
~5 users reported
Santiago Lema‘s personal Mastodon server
Puissance Nintendo
~6 users reported
Serveur Mastodon de Puissance Nintendo
~5 users reported
Dieser Server wird von und für das Team der megorei Software GmbH betrieben.
~5 users reported
A small private server for a group of friends & families. No discrimination/harassment/bad behavior accepted. The cutest domain name we've currently had.
~5 users reported
🐾 Shiro Doggo 🐕
~5 users reported
~6 users reported
TMM.CX private server.
The olde Yakshed
~6 users reported
This is a special little place in the Fediverse for a small group of purveyors of finest yak wool.
~5 users reported
~5 users reported
Things to report:
* Deceased or dismembered guests
* Farm animals
* Missing payphones or ATM machines
* Additional payphones or ATM machines
~6 users reported
Scene World Magazine
~5 users reported
This is the Mastodon server of the journalistic project "Scene World", where we toot about all our projects.
~9 users reported
Servidor ubicado en Costa Rica, para un público costarricense o interesado en Costa Rica